Emphasizing Its Importance in Daily Life in Strengthening Friendships and Reducing Violations A Thesis at UoB Confirms the Authenticity of the ” Euphemism Theory” in Arabic Literature

University of Bahrain – Sakhir
9 July 2022
A scientific thesis at the University of Bahrain (UoB) examined the “euphemism theory” in Arabic literature, which is based on an attempt to achieve hidden intentions in the communicative and interactive process for several purposes, including preserving human self-image and prestige in front of others.
The thesis, which was recently discussed by an examination committee, was submitted by the student in the Arabic language master’s program, Esra’a Adel Janahi, as part of the requirements for obtaining a master’s degree. The thesis, which was supervised by the faculty member in the Department of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies at the College of Arts at UoB, Dr. Abdullah Mohammed Buhalool, was titled: “Euphemism in Examples of Al-Tawhidi Dialogues: A Deliberative Approach.”
The researcher Janahi studied examples of the dialogues of Abu Hayyan al-Tawhidi from the perspective of literary linguistics, a study that focused on the expressive means and the influence strategies adopted by the speaker in his relationship with his addressee in order to preserve the integrity of relations and to establish strong friendships.
As the study confirmed the authenticity of the theory of euphemism in the Arab heritage, and clarified the characteristics of euphemism in various models of Abu Hayyan’s dialogues, indicating the methods of its formation, its limits, and the reasons for its absence and violation.
The discussion committee consisted of: faculty member in the Department of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies, Professor Dr. Abdullah Mohammed Al-Bahlool as a supervisor, the Head of the Department of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies, Dr. Diya Abdullah Al-Ka’abi as an internal examiner, and the faculty member at Abdel Malek Al-Sa’adi University in Tetouan, in the Kingdom of Morocco, Professor Dr. Mohammed Mishbal as an external examiner.
The study found that the concept of face was lost, maintained or improved, which made the theory of euphemism subject to emotional investment.
Also, the researcher called for investing this theory in the study of literature and other types of discourse for its ability to achieve three combined values: a scientific value represented in employing contemporary knowledge acquisitions in the field of disciplinary linguistics, a utilitarian practical value that aims to connect literature with human reality and to refine morals and behavior to facilitate dialogue and achieve communication, and a transactional value represented in what the application of euphemism rules and strategies in our social life leads to in terms of strengthening relationships, establishing friendships, reducing threats, and mitigating violations.

2022-11-16T12:12:48+03:00July 9, 2022|Uncategorized|
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