Engineering and Law Students at UoB Take Midterm Exams in Physical Presence in a Comfortable Atmosphere

Sakhir – University of Bahrain

9 November 2021

Starting from Saturday morning (6 November 2021), students of the Colleges of Engineering and Law at the University of Bahrain (UoB) will be taking the midterm exams for the academic year 2021/2022 in physical presence at the college buildings in Sakhir and Isa Town, which will be the first exams to be taken in physical attendance since the second semester of the academic year 2019/2020 when the shift to distance learning has been made due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Dean of the College of Engineering, Dr. Fuad Mohammed Al-Ansari, expressed his contentment with the success of the experience for the largest number of college students performing the midterm exams in attendance, saying: “The campus in Isa Town has been brought to life again, and the students have shown commitment, maturity and awareness in dealing with this circumstance, as they were very cooperative in implementing the instructions, and even expressed their satisfaction with returning to their college and taking the exams in attendance.” As the Dean stated that these midterm exams are the best preparation for arranging for the final exams.

Moreover, he indicated that despite the high numbers in some academic sections, the students were distributed into small groups in the examination halls according to the instructions of health precautions, in addition to the halls being sanitized after exams, temperatures being measured, and other procedures.

In Sakhir, the Acting Dean of the College of Law, Dr. Salah Mohamed Ahmed, said that during the past three days, 2,802 students from 88 academic sections, which were distributed into 144 classrooms, took the midterm exams in physical attendance, and the exams were done for 18 courses. This is in addition to postgraduate students, who take their exams starting from five in the evening.

The students expressed their satisfaction with the organization and the smooth flow of entry and exit from the campus and examination halls, and the order of the procedures taken by the University to ensure their safety and facilitate their examination in a comfortable atmosphere, as it confirmed the University’s concern and interest in their safety and their psychological and physical health.

The college students cooperated with the staff and organizers by adhering to the precautionary instructions and measures, as no violations or abuses of the instructions given to the students were detected.

For their part, students with disabilities thanked the University administration for taking their conditions into account, as they were given the option to take exams in person or from a distance, and a team of staff was prepared to provide assistance to students who chose to attend to take exams, specially equipped halls were prepared, and services that students with disabilities need during the exam and their presence on campus were provided.

While the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Fatima Mohammed Al-Maliki, stated that “The College of Law and the Deanship of Student Affairs, in cooperation UoB Health Center and the Department of Security and Safety, have cooperated to organize midterm exams for college students, and a team of employees has been assigned to provide services that ensure the provision of a healthy and suitable atmosphere, to allow students to take their exams smoothly and safely, by supervising the organization of exams, and preparing exam halls according to the instructions and recommendations of the medical team, to ensure students’ comfort and safety. Also, a team of employees was assigned to check the temperature of the students, direct them to adhere to the precautionary measures, guide them and answer their inquiries, in addition to another team that was entrusted with the process of sterilizing facilities and classrooms, according to the plan established by the Deanship”.

2022-01-13T09:24:34+03:00November 9, 2021|Uncategorized|
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