Engineering is not a profession for men only and female engineers have proved their competence

Two female engineers at a seminar at the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Bahrain:

news 30 03 2017 5a

news 30 03 2017 5b

In a seminar at the University of Bahrain, two female engineers invited students who are studying engineering to continue developing their knowledge, acquiring new skills and experiences, and not being intimidated by entering the labor market in various industrial and engineering fields.

The ceremony was organised by the College of Engineering at the University in collaboration with the Student Branch of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (IEEE) in Bahrain on the occasion of International Women’s Day. The seminar invited Reem Al-Otaibi, member of the Board of Directors of the Bahrain Engineers Society, and Dr. Nahed Shuwaiter, a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the College of Engineering.

In the seminar moderated by Dr. Najat Ishaqi, faculty member in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the College, Al-Otaibi emphasised that the roles of women absorbed all aspects of life, where women proved their ability to manage projects and works of art in different sectors.

As for studying engineering, Al-Otaibi said: “There are a number of things that those wishing to study engineering should be good at such as math and science, and the ability to withstand the pressures of study. It is necessary to choose the desired engineering path in the labour market after communication with professionals and experts in the field. She added that the study of engineering and excellence in it is not a path paved with flowers, as it is a specialisation full of challenges that must be faced.

news 30 03 2017 5cThe seminar, which was attended by Dr Khalid Zahar ,head of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at the College, discussed the option of specialising in engineering, vocational challenges, equal opportunities, etc.

Dr. Nahed Shuwaiter pointed to the importance of disseminating the correct culture on engineering, and said that the specialisation of engineering is not confined to males as women can excel in this area. Dr Shuwaiter said that the spread of culture in the field of engineering with all its branches has contributed to the increase in the number of female students joining the specialisation. “There is a need to find real professional opportunities for Bahraini women in the engineering field, “she said, noting that “Bahraini women have been able to prove their ability and competence in this field academically and professionally”.

2017-03-30T07:58:00+03:00March 30, 2017|Uncategorized|
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