Experts Discuss Cyber Security Developments and Risks 

Hosted by UoB Tomorrow 

Experts Discuss Cyber Security Developments and Risks 

A number of experts and specialists in information security are to discuss the latest developments, challenges and risks in the field of cybersecurity, in a symposium organized by the College of Information Technology at the University of Bahrain (UoB), on Wednesday (24 March 2021), at 4:00 pm on the Teams platform. 

Dean of the College of Information Technology, Dr. Lamya Mohammed Al-Jasmi, stated that this is the second symposium organized by the College of Information Technology to discuss information security and its developments, stressing that 15 experts and researchers from the Kingdom of Bahrain and several countries, universities and specialized international companies, will talk about the latest challenges, technologies and developments in cybersecurity, as well as topics such as: cognitive cybersecurity, cloud security, the internet of things (IoT) security, social engineering, automation, and cybersecurity integration. Also, the symposium includes a panel discussion that will review the readiness of governments and companies for the growing cybersecurity challenges and risks.  

2021-10-26T08:09:54+03:00October 26, 2021|Uncategorized|
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