IEEE acquaints UoB students with its activities and grants

In a workshop discussing the future of electric vehicle industry

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In a workshop of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) at the University of Bahrain, members of IEEE, which is considered the largest professional association in the world for university students, have outlined the activities of IEEE, and demonstrated the opportunities and grants offered by IEEE to engineering students and graduates, with details about the activities organized for them and focusing on the issue of industrial applications. Founded in 1963, the professional institute is based in New Jersey, United States.

Dr. Peter Majier, Director of the institute’s branches, spoke about its activities which are aimed at students and young people, and which are held in several countries in the world. He also demonstrated the travel programs to attend various events.
For his part, the President of the Institute, Dr. Tony Sebastian, spoke about the objectives and vision of the institute. Dr. Sebastian pointed out that the IEEE today is the largest professional association in the world, with more than 420,000 members in 160 countries around the world. He stated: “The goal of the Institute is to achieve educational and technical progress in the field of electrical, electronic and computer engineering, and the like.”

An Engineer who graduated from the College of Engineering at the University of Bahrain, Taqwa Khairi, gave a presentation on her personal experience of volunteering in the Institute, and reviewed the most important projects she participated in, stressing that the work in the Institute develops engineers’ skills and makes them more aware of the challenges of engineering and solutions and developments in this sector.

For his part, the faculty member of the College of Engineering, Dr. Mohab Mangoud, who oversees the branch of the Institute in Bahrain, reviewed the activities of the Bahrain branch and the achievements of the University’s student branch during the previous academic year, including the award of the best student branch in the Middle East and Europe and IEEE’s selection of the Bahraini branch to organize the student conference at the level of the region.

IEEE President also lectured on industrial applications, discussing the electric vehicle industry and its challenges and comparing it with the current cars. Dr. Sebastian attempted to anticipate the future of the industry, especially in the light of the development of self-driving cars.

The workshop ended with the distribution of certificates of appreciation to the participants.

2017-10-24T06:35:00+03:00October 24, 2017|Uncategorized|
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