In Cooperation With UNDP

In Cooperation With

UOB Examines the
Effects of the Pandemic on the Future of Education



In cooperation with the United
Nations Development Program (UNDP), the University of Bahrain (UOB) organized a
symposium entitled “The Impact of Covid-19 on the Future of
Education”, as part of a development program provided by the United
Nations to assist Arab countries in their efforts to enhance the prospects for
inclusive growth, job opportunities and livelihoods at both national and local
levels, by providing local and international information, studies and skills,
building on them and making use of them to consolidate sustainable development

The Senior Education Adviser at
the UNICEF Gulf Area Office Kimberly Parekh discussed
the implications of the education process and its sustainability in light of
the pandemic through virtual broadcast, and presented practical experiences in
education during the pandemic, the most important educational tools, teacher
training, and professional development for teachers around the world, focusing
primarily on in-service teacher training, higher education operations, and
technical assistance to organizations such as UNICEF, the World Bank, and the
Global Partnership for Education.

On his part, the Education
Program Specialist at the UNESCO Gulf and Yemen Office, Danilo Padilla, spoke
about the experiences of other countries in the sustainability of education
through communication platforms, and explained how students are evaluated at
different universities during the pandemic, stating that “We aim to assist
Arab countries in their efforts to enhance the prospects for inclusive growth,
job opportunities and livelihoods at the national and local levels, through
economic recovery and building resilience to crises during crisis and
post-crisis, with a focus on empowering women and youth, who are the most
vulnerable in the Arab region.”

It’s worth mentioning that UOB
had signed a joint cooperation agreement with UNDP last year (2019), and the
cooperation aims to achieve and promote sustainable development goals and
include these goals in most scientific events such as conferences and seminars
held by UOB, in addition to student projects and activities organized by the
University, in line with government initiatives and directions.


Sustainable Development Goals:

4 Quality education.

17 Partnerships for the goals


Key Words:

The effects of the pandemic on the future of
education, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the development of
educational methods, University of Bahrain, virtual learning in Bahrain, the
sustainability of education in light of the pandemic

2020-11-02T00:00:00+03:00November 2, 2020|Uncategorized|
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