In Order to Consult Their Advisors on Developing the Appropriate Study Plan UoB Introduces an Academic Advising System to Help Students Avoid Academic Probation

Sakhir – University of Bahrain
13 August 2022
The University of Bahrain (UoB) has introduced additional steps in the academic advising system, in the Student Information Management System (SIS), for students at risk of academic probation. As the University began sending alert messages to students whose cumulative averages are 2.33 out of 4.00 or less, notifying of the need to consult their academic advisors to not have an academic warning.
The Vice President for Academic Programs and Graduate Studies, Dr. Mohammed Reda Qadir, stated that this system was discussed in the University Council, and the Council and all the deans of the faculties stressed the need to send an alert to students to inform them of their academic status, and that they are in danger of receiving an academic warning, indicating that that the academic advisors have been provided with instructions and plans to advise students on how to raise their GPAs, and the student has the option to adhere to academic guidance. Also, the system allows the advisor to communicate with the underperforming and non-underperforming students for the purpose of providing advice and suggesting a set of courses that will contribute to improving their academic level and avoiding the danger of warnings and being expelled from the University.
Also, Dr. Qadir confirmed that this alert helps students to quickly complete the graduation requirements within the time period specified for the number of semesters approved for the academic program, and to complete the University’s graduation requirements.

2022-11-16T12:29:31+03:00August 13, 2022|Uncategorized|
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