Undergraduate Induction

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Congratulations on obtaining your place to study at the University of Bahrain.

We are looking forward to welcoming all of our new students in September. These induction pages are designed to provide you with everything you need to prepare for your undergraduate studies at UOB.

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Your first week at UoB can be a little confusing, so please familiarize yourself with these pages to help you along the way.
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Here you’ll find an overview of your induction week, please carefully note the dates and times.
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Your First Few Weeks

Your first few weeks will be busy, so we have put together a guide to what will be happening and what needs to be done during these few weeks.
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Opportunities and Events

We encourage all our students to get involved with as many university opportunities as possible in order to maximize your experience at UOB.
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Student Guide

It is crucial that you read your student guide during your first few weeks at UOB as this will answer many of your queries and concerns.
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UOB Competitions

We promote positive competition in a rich environment, where students will have the opportunity to network, gain knowledge and experience. UOB competitions bring together like-minded students, help form valuable connections and open doors to new opportunities.
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