International Arbitration Moot: UOB College of Law Students the Best in the Middle East

news 19 02 2017 1


As part of the preparations for the Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot which will be held in Vienna in April 2017, the college of law students at the University of Bahrain has been classified as the best in the Middle East among 15 countries in the International Arbitration Moot which has recently taken place in Kuwait.

A team from the University of Bahrain will compete with 370 teams from around the world.


The competition, organized by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) and the US Commercial Law Development Program (CLDP), aims to familiarize law students from all over the world with the reality and basics of commercial arbitration trials and ways of writing legal notes. Given the important role played by commercial arbitration in resolving business disputes in a consensual manner that is recognized by international agreements and jurisdictions, students participate in special programs and competitions on international commercial arbitration.


The University of Bahrain team consists of the following students: Abdulla Al-Jamea, Maryam Al-Ammadi and Fatima Dashti, under the supervision of Dr. Reyadh Mohammad Seyadi, Assistant Professor in Commercial Law at the College of Law.
2017-02-19T12:12:00+03:00February 19, 2017|Uncategorized|
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