Organized By CHSS at UoB in Seef Mall The Celebration of World Diabetes Day Witnesses a Public Turnout

Sakhir – University of Bahrain – Mansoor Al-Wanni
29 November 2022
The College of Health Sciences (CHSS) at the University of Bahrain (UoB) organized the World Diabetes Day celebration, on Thursday (17 November 2022), which witnessed remarkable attendance and interaction. Around 150 male and female visitors from various segments of society benefited from the available health and preventive tests and instructions given by CHSS students at the Seef Mall.
On this occasion, the Dean of CHSS, Dr. Lina Mohammed Khenji, said: “launching this event comes within the University of Bahrain’s keenness to take part in raising the level of community awareness on ways to maintain health and reduce risks of diabetes, and in support of the health institutions’ efforts to raise awareness on diabetes in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
The program included several platforms, through which the health status of the mall’s participants and visitors was assessed, such as: blood sugar testing, vital signs, and body mass, in addition to a health education platform on the prevention of diabetes and its types, the most important symptoms, causes of the disease, the importance of prevention, and how to follow a healthy and sporty lifestyle.
In addition to a platform to raise awareness on the importance of exercising, another platform on diabetic foot care, training attendees on how to inject insulin in different locations, a platform that focused on training participants on stress management techniques, and how to deal with it, and another platform to raise awareness on diabetes in children.
Morover, the program included awareness activities directed towards promoting health and preventing diabetes in the Bahraini community.
On November 14 of each year, the world celebrates World Diabetes Day, a global day to raise awareness on the dangers of diabetes, and on which topics related to diabetes and human rights, diabetes and modern lifestyle, diabetes and obesity, diabetes in the weak and malnourished, and diabetes in children and adolescents are the focus.