On The Induction Day for New Students at UoB for The Academic Year 2022/2023 Dr. Al-Mudhahka Calls on New Students to Make the Most of Their Enrollment in The National University

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Khadijah Abdusalem)
15 September 2022
The President of the University of Bahrain (UoB), Dr. Jawaher bint Shaheen Al-Mudhahka, congratulated the new students on their admission to the National University, stressing that admission to UoB is a privilege in terms of the integration of the university’s infrastructure, the academic programs, and the university’s attraction of the best academic cadres – locally and internationally – to teach there.
During the Induction Day program for the academic year 2022/2023, held virtually on Thursday (September 15, 2022), the President of UoB affirmed the care that the National University receives from His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the Great King of the Kingdom of Bahrain, and the guidance and follow-up of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, that enabled the University to occupy a high and lofty position, appreciating, at the same time, the efforts of the University administration and all its affiliates, for their keenness to provide advanced university education, the required life skills, and to offer high quality academic programs that are accredited nationally and internationally, expressing her confidence that students will exert their full efforts and creative energies, whether in the academic field or student activities in order to have a distinguished university experience.
Dr. Al-Mudhahka called on students to make efforts and preserve for their academic and practical achievement, to compete in all fields, in a way that serves them and the country, and to invest in the opportunities the University offers. In addition to consolidating their university relations based on mutual respect, wishing everyone an academic year full of activity and excellence.
For her part, the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Fatima Mohammed Al-Maliki, stressed the importance of the Induction Day for new students, to introduce them to university life, facilitate their involvement in it, provide them with instructions and guidelines, and introduce them to the services and facilities provided by the University such as the English Language Center, the E-Learning Center, the Health Center, and the services of the Deanship of Admission and Registration. Furthermore, she added that each college will set an induction program for its students, to learn about the college’s facilities, programs, departments, and all the details related to the student’s major.
Dr. Al-Maliki advised the new students to start their academic year with motivation towards achievement, study, learning, building themselves, refining their skills and enhancing their capabilities, and she addressed her message to the new students, saying: “One of the most enjoyable and useful educational experiences awaits you, and it is completely different from the previous school stages” and invited them to pay attention to their nutrition, having adequate sleep, organizing their time between studying, resting, and recreation, engaging in various extra-curricular programs inside and outside the university, and benefiting from the psychological and counseling services provided by the Deanship of Students’ Affairs through the Guidance and Counseling Department with specialists in this field. She further called on the students to visit the Deanship of Students’ Affairs and learn about programs that suit their interests and skills, and what they need in terms of support and services provided by the departments and divisions of the Deanship.
The Induction Day program – which was streamed on the University’s website and its YouTube channel – included an introductory video about UoB, its colleges and services, in addition to an awareness video about university life, and a presentation of the most prominent students’ experiences and contributions, and how they benefit from extra-curricular activities and programs.
In addition, the Induction Day program was attended by Vice Presidents, Deans, and many new students and their parents, in addition to members of the academic and administrative bodies.

2022-12-14T14:45:13+03:00September 15, 2022|Uncategorized|
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