The e-Learning Center at the university of Bahrain is a hub where we cultivate an environment that not only embraces the traditional values of education but also anticipates the needs of a more capable future. We strive to foster an environment where enrichment of our digital learning platforms and the development of our faculty and students go hand in hand. Our focus is to transcend beyond current educational models, harnessing emerging technologies that offer hands-on and experiential learning to create a rich, multi-faceted lifelong learning environment. 

 We also recognizing the profound influence of the fourth industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0, on the future of work and society. We understand that our students will navigate a world where artificial intelligence, machine learning, and advanced data analytics are not just tools, but foundational elements that inform every aspect of modern life. By incorporating and adopting innovative technologies, the e-Learning Center not only enriches the learning experience but also prepares students to navigate and succeed in an increasingly digital world. 

 We invite you to be part of this transformative journey as we reshape what it means to learn and teach in this digitally driven era. 

Dr. Mazen Mohammed Ali

Director of the E-Learning Center


The e-Learning Center was established in accordance with the University Council decision number 188/2004, May 8, 2004. The Center established to cope with the latest developments in Information Technology and to employ this technology in teaching and learning processes at the university and academic institutes. The Center aims at providing qualitative development in learning and to qualify to learn to better educational output in order to create graduates capable of coping with continuous changes and using these changes to serve their country. The e-Learning trend is fast growing and a cornerstone in the field of electronic learning all over the world. It is changing the quality of education for the better and provides skilled and highly qualified and independent learners and graduates.


Icons for eLearning Platform

eLearning Platform (Blackboard)

icon for Help Desk

Help Desk (Faculty)


Director’s Office

Dr. Mazen Mohammed Ali           Tel: 17437717           Fax: 17449027                   E-mail: elearningc@uob.edu.bh