


For Desktop: You can access Blackboard from, please find more login details in this video .

For Smartphones: You can view more details in PDF     (0.1 MB، 6 Pages) or in this video


If you cannot sign into blackboard, please  follow the steps in this link.


Your course will be available on Blackboard after 24 hours only if there are students enrolled in the course.



If you wish to organize your courses by term, please follow the steps in this link

(To view subtitles in English, press on CC option in the video)


Please visit the link to know the main differences between Ultra view courses & Original view courses.

(To view subtitles in English, press on CC option in the video)

To know how to add a new content area or tool link in an Original Course Menu in Blackboard, please follow the steps in the link

(To view subtitles in English, press on CC option in the video)


For Ultra courses: you will find details on adding new content on this video .

For Original courses: you will find details on adding new content on this video


Learn how to convert a Blackboard Original course to an Ultra in this video .

Remember: The preview is exactly that—a preview—and the course is not permanently converted until the instructor chooses to do so.

Any changes you make to a course in preview are carried forward if you opt to convert to the Ultra Course View. If you choose to go back to the Original Course View, changes made in the preview are lost.

Course Backup


For Ultra courses learn how to copy content between courses on this video .

For Original courses please view this video .


To take a backup of your course in Ultra course view please watch this quick video .

For Original course you will please find details in this video .


For Ultra courses: you will find details in this video

For Original courses: you will find details in this video



You will find details on Ally accessibility indicator in this video


To learn how to improve the accessibility of content, please watch this video


What happens when a course is copied? Does Ally go with the course copy?

Yes. When you copy a course, all alternative formats and instructor feedback will also be available in the new course.
There can be a delay before everything is moved over to the new course.

Will Ally change my course appearance?

The only difference you’ll see within your course is that Ally provides an accessibility score for your files. The score is shown by a gauge icon next to your course files. Select the gauge to view and improve your file accessibility.

What happens to my original files?

Blackboard does not discard the original version of the document. Your original file is retained within the Blackboard system and can be retrieved if necessary.


Please watch this video  to learn about the alternative formats in Ally.



For Ultra courses: you will find details in this video

For Original courses: you will find details in this video

(To view subtitles in English, press on CC option in the video)


For Ultra courses: you will find details in this video

For Original courses: you will find details in this video


For Ultra courses: you will find details in this video

For Original courses: you will find details in this video

Blackboard Collaborate

instructor week 1 No5

For Microphone, please watch this video

For Speakers, please watch this video

For camera, please watch this video

 (To view subtitles in English, press on CC option in the video)


To use and manage virtual lectures with Blackboard collaborate, view the following videos

Accessing Blackboard collaborate and creating a session in original courses For Ultra view this video

sharing PowerPoint Files in Blackboard Collaborate 

Breakout Groups in Blackboard Collaborate 

Share Files to Breakout Groups in Blackboard Collaborate

Blackboard Collaborate Ultra: Student as Presenter

Using the Whiteboard in Blackboard Collaborate

Polling in Blackboard Collaborate

Blackboard Ultra Collaborate Recording Links – Set for Public 

Creating a guest link for a Blackboard Collaborate session


To solve an audio issue when sharing a video in the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra,

Kindly, click on the Video link


For Ultra view courses you will find details on how to view and download recorded sessions in this video .
For Original view courses please check this video .


Please check this video to learn how to view the attendance report of your online session in Blackboard Collaborate Ultra

Communication Tools

First, you should download the application on your Desktop or Mobile. This video explains how you can communicate using Microsoft Teams.
Click on the link below to download Microsoft Teams teams
Download Microsoft Teams Desktop and Mobile Apps | Microsoft Teams .


For Original courses you will find details in this  video 


For  Original courses you will please find details in this video


For Ultra courses: you will find details in this video  For Original courses: you will find details in this video  (To view subtitles in English, press on CC option in the video)



You cannot create a test pool in Ultra, you can either import them or use questions from another test.
Find details in this video on how to create a pool in Blackboard Original.
For details on how to use a pool in Blackboard Original, watch this video .
Find details for Ultra view in this video


For Ultra courses: you will find details in this video For Original courses: you will find details in this video


Please check this video to review your students’ activities using the access log in a test attempt.


Please watch this video to learn how to copy the original test format in Blackboard to Microsoft Word document.
(To view subtitles in English, press on CC option in the video)

Respondus Lockdown Browser


You can find all resources on the institution page on Blackboard, please check this link for details.
Or on University of Bahrain website, please check this link for details.


For courses with Original view, please view this video For courses with Ultra view, please view this video

(To view subtitles in English, press on CC option in the video)


View the important notes before creating a mock exam on Blackboard in this link    (PDF، 0.2 MB، 2 Pages)
View the announcement regards the importance of mock exam, please click this link    (PDF، 0.3 MB، 2 Pages)
Please guide your student about the followed proceduresif there is a problem during a mock exam.


To learn how to use Live Proctoring with Respondus LockDown Browser, please watch this video .


To find Some solutions for issues that might face students during a test using Respondus LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor, please view the file in this link    (PDF، 4.7 MB، 21 Pages).



For Ultra courses, follow the steps in the video .

For Original courses, follow the steps in the video .


To view your students attempts and assign grades in Ultra courses, please check this video .
For original courses please check this video .


For Ultra courses, follow the steps in the video .
For Original courses, follow the steps in the video .


To add feedback to your Blackboard Tests, please view these Videos.
For Original courses, watch this video For Ultra courses, watch this video (To view subtitles in English, press on CC option in the video)

Plagiarism Turnitin/SafeAssign


For Ultra courses, follow the steps in the video .
For Original courses, follow the steps in the video .



For Ultra courses: you will find details in this video

For Original courses: you will find details in this video

(To view subtitles in English, press on CC option in the video)


For Ultra courses, follow the steps in the video .

For Original courses, follow the steps in the video .

Note: It is considered best practice to remove the preview user and its associated data.

In the Exit Student Preview dialog, select Delete the preview user and all data (Recommended).



For Windows devices

(Microsoft Clipchamp)
Clipchamp Video Editing Tutorial – Clipchamp

For Mac devices

iMovie| Tutorial for Beginners

QuickTime|Merge, split and trim video


In the Original View, you will find it under Course Management > Evaluation > Course Analytics

Course Analytics

In the Ultra View, you will find it at the top course menu


Below is a list of the different Blackboard Analytics Reports:

  • Course at-a-Glance: Interactions, submissions, and time in course compared to similar courses in your department.
  • Activity and Grade Scatter Plot: A scatter plot of your course activity and your grades in the course.
  • Activity Matrix: This report compares each student’s number of submissions to the average across all students in that course. The report includes a graph of submission trends over the entire term, number of submissions, the average number of submissions in the course, days since the student’s last submission, and last submission type.
  • Course Submission Summary Report: Submission information for each student including assignments, tests, surveys, and graded discussions, blogs, journals, and wikis.
In the Course Analytics page

  1. Click on the grey arrow icon next to the report namecourse at a galance img
  2. Select run
    It will open the report page. Please refer to Report Help for more information about what you are seeing in this page.