Home » OUR CENTERS » Foundation Program

This Foundation Program is designed to provide students with the essential skills prior to their undergraduate studies. Enrolment in the program is determined by students’ performance in the English language proficiency section of the General Aptitude Test.

The program consists of two levels
Level One : One academic year (two semesters)
Level Two : One semester

Based on the performance in the English language proficiency section of the General Aptitude Test, students are streamed into two levels. Level One (two semesters) or Level Two (one semester). Both levels and curricula of the program are designed according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The program consists of three courses: English Language, Mathematics, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT).


Academic Skills icon

Provide Students With Common Core Academic Skills, Study Skills, English Language, Mathematics, And ICT Skills That Are Essential To Their Successful Completion Of Undergraduate Studies

Higher Education icon

Prepare Students To Successfully Engage In Higher Education Environment

Lifelong icon

Develop The Lifelong And Career Skills Of The Students

Students’ Confidence icon

Develop Students’ Confidence And Discipline As Appropriate For Academic Study


Level One of the Foundation Program spans over two semesters. It is structured to include two levels of English Language courses with three sub-courses, in addition to a Mathematics course and an IT course as illustrated in Figure 1.

Foundation Program

NQF Level 5
NQF Credits 128
Credits 32
Duration 1 academic year (2 semesters)

To pass the Foundation Programs, students are required to complete 32 hours (128 NQF Credits). The table below shows the outline of the Foundation Program.

Code ENGL 001
Title Reading and Vocabulary
Lecture 4
Lab 0
Hours 4
Code ENGL 002
Title Writing and Grammar
Lecture 5
Lab 0
Hours 5
Code ENGL 003
Title Listening and Speaking
Lecture 4
Lab 0
Hours 4
Code MATHS 001
Title College Mathematics
Lecture 3
Lab 0
Hours 3

Level Two of the Foundation spans over one semester. It is structured to include one level of an English course with three sub-courses, in addition to a Mathematics course and an IT course.

Foundation Program – Level Two

Code ENGL 004
Title Reading and Vocabulary
Lecture 4
Lab 0
Hours 4
Code ENGL 005
Title Writing and Grammar
Lecture 5
Lab 0
Hours 4
Code ENGL 006
Title Listening and Speaking
Lecture 4
Lab 0
Hours 4
Code ITIS 001
Title Introduction to Computing
Lecture 3
Lab 1
Hours 3
Prerequisites ENGLRL1


Applicants must meet the admission requirements of the University of Bahrain. The Foundation Program at the University of Bahrain is a mandatory program for students of all undergraduate programs. Applicants are exempted from the Foundation Program if they meet one of the following requirements:

1. Secondary School Score equal to or higher than 90%
2. Overall score in English Language courses undertaken in Secondary School Studies equal to or higher than 90%
3. Evidence of IELTS of 5.5 or TOFEL of 500 and above results taken in the last two years
4. Pass the English language proficiency section of the General Aptitude Test

Students are exempted from the MATHS course if they have an overall score in the Math courses undertaken in Secondary School Studies equal to or higher than 90% (Scientific Track) or they have recent evidence that they have successfully passed SAT/ IB base certificate or equivalent certificates. Evidence for exemption must be submitted in the first semester. Once a student is registered in a course, the fees paid under this exemption shall not be refunded


  1. All Foundation Programs courses are mandatory (see Exemptions)
  2. All University of Bahrain Study and Examinations rules apply
  3. Maximum period of time allowed for students to complete level one of the foundation program is two consecutive academic years. The Maximum time allowed for students to complete level two of the foundation Program is one academic year (two semesters)
  4. Students are not allowed to enroll in any undergraduate course until successfully completing the Foundation Program
  5. Students are not allowed to proceed to any undergraduate programs until they successfully pass the Foundation Program or upon exemption from it.

Program Completion

  1. English Language Courses:
    Each level consists of 3 English language sub-courses. In order to successfully complete each level, the average of the three courses is calculated and allocated to the general courses ENGLR1 or ENGLR2
  2. IT:
    In IT IS 001 course, students are evaluated based on midterm exams.
  3. MATHS:
    Students are evaluated based on midterm and final exams.

Students need to successfully pass all mandatory Foundation Program courses to be able to start their undergraduate studies.