The firm conviction in the Kingdom of Bahrain, through His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa’s reform project of human rights and its inherent dignity and the importance of recognizing its fundamental rights and securing adequate guarantees, was the motive behind the establishment of the Legal and Human Rights Clinic at the University of Bahrain. Since its establishment in 2013, the Center has been providing all forms of legal support to students, whether in the College of Law or in other colleges, and to authorities related to the Center and all segments of society.
The Center believes that human rights education is the cornerstone of building a society based on coexistence and a culture of tolerance and respect for others. Teaching human rights to all students, regardless of their specializations, prepares the transformation of these rights into reality by respecting and preserving them based on the principles of dignity and freedom to contribute to the development process at all levels. And so, the center teaches courses that reflect this faith, such as the legal clinic for students at the College of Law and the human rights course for all students of the University of Bahrain.
The center also disseminated legal culture and provided legal assistance to all those who need it by providing consultations, training courses and workshops in coordination with the relevant authorities. The center also supervises student competitions and activities at the College of Law in coordination with the Deanship of Student Affairs, which has had a good impact on achieving knowledge and refining the necessary skills in this field.
The Center also enjoys effective cooperation and joint work with centers, institutions, public and private bodies and civil society institutions in relation to the Center’s objectives, as we achieved -through this cooperation- common goals and objectives that serve all segments of Bahraini society.
The Legal and Human Rights Clinic is still looking forward to continuing its mission and achieving its aspirations by expanding its circle of activity within the framework of its objectives specified in its internal regulations. This is only accomplished through the efforts of the concerted faculty and staff’s efforts at the College of Law and the continuous cooperation with our partners in various sectors of the state.
Dr. Saqer Eid Alroies
Director of Legal and Human Rights Clinic
In 2013 and in collaboration with the American Bar Association (ABA), the University of Bahrain launched the Legal Clinic and Human Rights Centre Program. This Program aims at disseminating human rights principles by providing law students with hands-on legal experience to equip them with the various legal skills needed for the labor market and to spread the culture of volunteering and teamwork. The launching of this program, as an outcome of the reform project of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, aims at raising awareness of human rights principles among citizens and university students from various areas of specialization.
The Legal Clinic and Human Rights Centre is affiliated with UOB College of Law.
The Legal Clinic and Human Rights Centre provides free advice to the students as well as the public.

Our Goals
- Providing law students, through the Legal Clinic course, with hands-on-legal experience and training them to provide legal consultations and opinions.
- Disseminating human rights principles inside and outside UOB.
- Raising legal awareness in the community through free lectures and workshops.
- Organizing training programs and workshops on different legal topics in coordination with concerned bodies and entities.
Through the UOB Legal Clinic and Human Rights Center, the College of Law aspires to assume an active role in disseminating and promoting human rights principles among citizens and University students from various areas of specialization.
- Equality and Justice.
- Professionalism and Commitment.
- Teamwork
The Legal Clinic works in three parallel aspects: the first aspect is to disseminate knowledge of human rights, which integrates with outcomes of UOB College of Law. The second aspect is to focus on practical skills in education, training, and inquiry in a professional way. The third aspect is to focus on ethics, emphasize cooperation, communication and co-existence in the student community, and promote volunteerism in the community.
- Managing the Legal Clinic course (Law408), which is one of the elective courses offered to undergraduate law students at the University of Bahrain. Under the supervision of a lawyer, students in this course offer legal aid and receive training that help in building their expertise in a particular area of the law.
- Managing the Human Rights Principles course (HRLC107), which is a University Requirement for all undergraduate students.
- The Legal Clinic and Human Rights Centre provides free legal aid to UOB students under the supervision of one of our partnering lawyers. Legal Assistance Form (DOCX, 0.1 MB , 2 Pages)
- Conducting field visits and free lectures on legal topics. The Clinic also organizes legal workshops and panel discussions for specialists in the field of law to increase legal awareness within the local community