The Community Service and Continuing Education Center at the University of Bahrain were established by a decision of the University’s Board of Trustees on January 25, 2009 , in line with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 and in implementation of the University’s 2009-2014 strategy for the next five years by establishing many initiatives that contribute to the university’s development and its keeping pace with the latest international standards. The center is directed by the office of the Vice President of the University of Bahrain for Community Service and Graduate Affairs, Dr. Muhammad Saleh Al-Ansari.

It aims mainly at the effective participation of the university in the human development process in the Kingdom, and to link the university with the external community with its various institutions by establishing, organizing and implementing many courses, training programs and workshops.
The center also aims to develop and qualify the human element, organize and implement programs of a societal nature that contribute to the development of Bahraini society in all its groups and classes.

On the other hand, the establishment of this center comes to be one of the university’s basic tools in opening up to society in all its sectors and institutions with the aim of meeting its needs and requirements and providing it with various information, skills and experiences through the implementation of organized and planned programs and courses, and providing training and technical advice and proposals to the relevant authorities.

The center works to employ the distinguished expertise of faculty members from all disciplines at the university to be a real and effective participation tool in the process of development in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and to be an effective communication tool between the university and the community.


Centre Goals

The Center for Community Service and Continuing Education at the University of Bahrain seeks to achieve the following objectives:

  • Connecting the university to the community by establishing continuous communication with all its institutions and sectors to achieve the university’s effective participation in the development process in the Kingdom.
  • Supporting and employing the university’s scientific, human and material capabilities to serve the community, and to find scientific solutions to the problems facing Bahraini society.
  • Supporting the training, qualification and requalification programs proposed by the colleges with the aim of helping individuals to acquire knowledge and skills and employ them in the development and development of their institutions and society.
  • Developing continuing education programs, linking university experiences and knowledge with the individual’s academic life, and assisting him/her in employing the acquired experiences and knowledge in increasing his/her productivity.


The purpose of the compliance responsibility is to ensure compliance of the academic programs and the university as whole with the requirements and criteria set by the NAQQAET, and Higher Education Council (HEC). At college and program level, the QAAC should coordinate with the colleges and programs to ensure compliance with the requirements for program reviews, Qualification Placement onto National Qualification Framework (NQF). At the university level, the center should manage the preparation for the institutional review, institutional listing or any other compliance functions towards national criteria within the quality assurance field.


Within the framework of the continuous pursuit of renewal and development to keep pace with the successive developments in the various fields of knowledge, the University of Bahrain has taken an advanced step towards its openness to society in all its sectors and institutions. The university is determined to meet society’s needs and requirements and provide it with various information, skills and experiences to be a real and effective tool for participation in the process of development and development in the Kingdom of Bahrain. By establishing the Center for Community Service and Continuing Education, as the Center is a qualitative addition to the array of facilities and services provided by the University with the aim of contributing to the process of building, development and development.


The center works within an integrated team that includes the following divisions and departments:

  • Vice President for Community Service and Alumni Affairs.
  • Center Director’s Office.
  • Marketing and Promotion Division.
  • Division of Continuing Education and Community Development.


  • Providing the necessary (logistical) support for the university’s colleges to implement the proposed projects, events and activities that help in the development of society, keeping up with the requirements of the times and challenges, by employing the university’s capabilities and the knowledge and experience.
  •  Managing and organizing the conduct of theoretical and experimental research and studies, in coordination with the Deanship of Scientific Research and the relevant colleges, and making use of their results in developing productive and service institutions.
  • Providing consultations and carrying out training and technical studies and proposals to the bodies that request them.
  • Holding courses and preparing training programs according to the needs of the local community, in line with the university’s goals, plans and capabilities.
  • Encouraging institutions, companies and administrations from the public and private sectors to cooperate with the center in the field of training and to benefit from the expertise available at the university.
  • Organizing and implementing programs of a societal nature that contribute to the development of Bahraini society in all its groups and sectors.
  • Investing the university’s material and human resources in serving the Bahraini community by organizing various events and volunteer activities.