Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy


Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy

Upon completion of one of the Accredited Programs (AP) offered by the UTEL, participants receive professional recognition as fellows of the HEA, UK. Currently, the University of Bahrain holds the largest number of AHE fellows in the MENA region. The following is a list of all academic faculty who have completed one the AP at the UoB since 2006.

Batch Title Name College
1 2006 – 2007 Dr. Abdulla Ahmed Alasaadi College of Information Technology
2 2006 – 2007 Dr. Amal Mohammed Ahmed Al-Rayes College of Information Technology
3 2006 – 2007 Dr. Bader Darwish Al-Mannai College of Engineering
4 2006 – 2007 Dr. Bassam Al Hamad College of Engineering
5 2006 – 2007 Dr. Ebrahim A.Rahman Hasan College of Information Technology
6 2006 – 2007 Dr. Ehab Juma Ramadan Adwan College of Information Technology
7 2006 – 2007 Dr. Hayat Mohammed Abdulla Ali College of Information Technology
8 2006 – 2007 Dr. Hessa Jassim Al-Junaid College of Information Technology
9 2006 – 2007 Dr. Hussain Mohsin Al-Arayedh College of Information Technology
10 2006 – 2007 Dr. Mohamed Yusuf Al-Koheji College of Engineering
11 2006 – 2007 Dr. Mohammed Almeer College of Information Technology
12 2006 – 2007 Dr. Nader Mohammed Murad College of Information Technology
13 2006 – 2007 Dr. Resala Abdullah Al-Adraj College of Information Technology
14 2006 – 2007 Dr. Sana Al-Mansoori College of Engineering
15 2006 – 2007 Dr. Shaker Haji College of Engineering
16 2007 – 2008 Dr. Abdulla Rabia College of Engineering
17 2007 – 2008 Dr. Ameera Noor Al-Deen College of Education
18 2007 – 2008 Dr. Dheya Al-Ka’abi College of Arts
19 2007 – 2008 Dr. Fawzi Al-Abasi College of Engineering
20 2007 – 2008 Dr. Hussain Jafar College of Education
21 2007 – 2008 Dr. Jaflah Al-Ammari College of Information Technology
22 2007 – 2008 Dr. Lubna Al-Khalifa College of Business Administration
23 2007 – 2008 Dr. Majeda Salman College of Science
24 2007 – 2008 Dr. Salwa Al Thawadi College of Science
25 2007 – 2008 Dr. Sawsan Karimi College of Arts
26 2007 – 2008 Dr. Sayed Mahmood Nasser College of Science
27 2007 – 2008 Dr. Thuraya Al Manssori College of Science
28 2007 – 2008 Dr. Thuraya Juma College of Science
29 2008 – 2009 Dr. Ali Salman BinThani College of Science
30 2008 – 2009 Dr. Bassam Qambar College of Education
31 2008 – 2009 Dr. Dunya Ahmed Abdulla Ahmed College of Arts
32 2008 – 2009 Dr. Fadhel Abbas Albasri College of Engineering
33 2008 – 2009 Dr. Fatima Salman Al Halwachi College of Arts
34 2008 – 2009 Dr. Ghazwa Bader Selaibeekh College of Information Technology
35 2008 – 2009 Dr. Humood Abdulla Naser College of Science
36 2008 – 2009 Dr. Layla Hassan Al Saqer College of Arts
37 2008 – 2009 Dr. Mohamed Abdulghaffar College of Arts
38 2008 – 2009 Dr. Nayla Yateem College of Arts
39 2008 – 2009 Dr. Osama Musbah Al-Jamal College of Engineering
40 2008 – 2009 Dr. Qais A.Latif Bu-Ali College of Engineering
41 2008 – 2009 Dr. Salah Ahmed Musameh Bahrain Teachers College
42 2008 – 2009 Dr. Sama’a Alawi Al Hashimi College of Arts
43 2008 – 2009 Dr. Sharefa BenAmmour Al Balooshi College of Arts
44 2008 – 2009 Dr. Suad Rashdan College of Science
45 2009 – 2010 Dr. Ahmed Yusuf Ahmed Fahad College of Information Technology
46 2009 – 2010 Dr. Amal Abu Hassan College of Information Technology
47 2009 – 2010 Dr. Amani Al-Halwachi College of Arts
48 2009 – 2010 Dr. Athraa Moosawi College of Information Technology
49 2009 – 2010 Dr. Basem Ahmed Aamer College of Arts
50 2009 – 2010 Dr. Entesar Abdulaziz College of Business Administration
51 2009 – 2010 Dr. Esra Ahmed Wali College of Information Technology
52 2009 – 2010 Dr. Faisal Al-Qaed College of Information Technology
53 2009 – 2010 Dr. Habib Ebrahim Ashoor College of Science
54 2009 – 2010 Dr. Hala Deeb Hasan Obaid College of Arts
55 2009 – 2010 Dr. Hanan Mubarak Al Buflasa College of Science
56 2009 – 2010 Dr. Jehad Al-Fadhel College of Arts
57 2009 – 2010 Dr. Maha Al-Rashed College of Arts
58 2009 – 2010 Dr. Majeed Safar Jasim College of Engineering
59 2009 – 2010 Dr. Mohamed Baqer College of Information Technology
60 2009 – 2010 Dr. Muna Al-Qouz College of Arts
61 2009 – 2010 Dr. Raed Ebrahim Al Jowder College of Engineering
62 2009 – 2010 Dr. S.Isa Jawad Fadhul Alwedaee College of Arts
63 2009 – 2010 Dr. Zainab Ali Mohammed Redha College of Engineering
64 2010 – 2011 Dr. Ahmed Abdulla Abdulrahim Bucheeri College of Engineering
65 2010 – 2011 Dr. Aisha Bushager College of Information Technology
66 2010 – 2011 Dr. Amal Saleh Ghanem College of Information Technology
67 2010 – 2011 Dr. Amina Alhermesi Alhajri College of Arts
68 2010 – 2011 Dr. Eman Mohammed Mirza Khorsheed College of Science
69 2010 – 2011 Dr. Essam Mohammed Janahi College of Science
70 2010 – 2011 Dr. Fatma Salman Marhoon College of Engineering
71 2010 – 2011 Dr. Ghadeer Ismael Mohammed College of Information Technology
72 2010 – 2011 Dr. Hayat Abdulla Yusuf College of Engineering
73 2010 – 2011 Dr. Jamal Sayed Mohammed Almualla College of Arts
74 2010 – 2011 Dr. Khadija Abdulla Yousif Zainal College of Science
75 2010 – 2011 Dr. Layla Jassim Hazzim College of Science
76 2010 – 2011 Dr. Mazenآ  Ali College of Information Technology
77 2010 – 2011 Dr. Mona Khalaf College of Engineering
78 2010 – 2011 Dr. Najat Mohammed Es’haqi College of Applied Studies
79 2010 – 2011 Dr. Noori Ahmed Allaith College of Engineering
80 2010 – 2011 Dr. Oday Al-Buhamad College of Engineering
81 2010 – 2011 Dr. Osama Mahdi Abdulla Bahrain Teachers College
82 2010 – 2011 Dr. Reman Yousif Abu-Shanab College of Science
83 2010 – 2011 Dr. Tariq Abdulkarim Alalwan College of Science
84 2011 – 2012 Dr. Abdulla Faisal Alshater College of Engineering
85 2011 – 2012 Dr. Abdulmonem Isa Al Shino College of Science
86 2011 – 2012 Dr. Ameera Saeed Al Haddad College of Science
87 2011 – 2012 Dr. Anwaar Abdulla Ismaeel College of Applied Studies
88 2011 – 2012 Dr. Ebtisam Essa Bin Butti College of Science
89 2011 – 2012 Dr. Eman Khalil Ebrahim College of Applied Studies
90 2011 – 2012 Dr. Hasan Mohsin Hasan Al Wadi Bahrain Teachers College
91 2011 – 2012 Dr. Hassan Yusuf Kamal College of Information Technology
92 2011 – 2012 Dr. Jaffar Abdulla Isa Hammad College of Applied Studies
93 2011 – 2012 Dr. Lamya Al Jasmi College of Information Technology
94 2011 – 2012 Dr. Mahmood Abbas Al Abbas College of Science
95 2011 – 2012 Dr. Mohamed Ali Bin Shams College of Engineering
96 2011 – 2012 Dr. Omer Mohamed Alqadoumi College of Arts
97 2011 – 2012 Dr. Raala Al Athali College of Business Administration
98 2011 – 2012 Dr. Ramzi Al Majid College of Information Technology
99 2011 – 2012 Dr. Ruqaia Taha Jaber Al Alwani College of Arts
100 2011 – 2012 Dr. Sawsan Juma Helal College of Science
101 2013 – 2014 Dr. Ahmed Ali Ahmed Matar College of Science
102 2013 – 2014 Dr. Faisal Al Showaikh College of Science
103 2013 – 2014 Dr. Luisella Paolo Federico Balbis College of Information Technology
104 2013 – 2014 Dr. Noora Al Shamlan College of Law
105 2013 – 2014 Dr. Noora Hassan Al-Ghatam College of Information Technology
106 2013 – 2014 Dr. Yusuf Sayed Sharaf Mohsen Alkhabbaz College of Physical Education & Physiotherapy
107 2013 – 2014 Dr. Zayed Yousif Shaheen Qadheeb French Studies Center
108 2014 – 2015 Dr. Diana AlJahroomi College of Arts
109 2014 – 2015 Dr. Haleema Kadhem Ahmed College of Arts
110 2014 – 2015 Dr. Hanan Almawla College of Law
111 2014 – 2015 Mr. Jawad Mohamed Al Saei College of Science
112 2014 – 2015 Dr. Masooma Ali Husain Al Mutawah Bahrain Teachers College
113 2014 – 2015 Dr. Mervat Isa Mohamed Albufalase College of Arts
114 2014 – 2015 Dr. Omar Al-Abbasi College of Engineering
115 2015 – 2016 Mr. Ali Hasan Ebrahim College of Information Technology
116 2015 – 2016 Ms. Fatima Al Balooshi College of Information Technology
117 2015 – 2016 Dr. Hadeel Shawket Karem Al-Obaidy College of Information Technology
118 2015 – 2016 Mr. Hussein Abdul Rasool Salman College of Applied Studies
119 2015 – 2016 Dr. Jalal Aldoseri College of Arts
120 2015 – 2016 Dr. Maan Al Jawder College of Information Technology
121 2015 – 2016 Dr. Reem AlKaabi College of Information Technology
122 2015 – 2016 Ms. Sumaia Mohieldin College of Applied Studies
123 2016 – 2017 Dr Abdulla Eid College of Science
124 2016 – 2017 Mrs. Aji Mable Mathew College of Applied Studies
125 2016 – 2017 Ms. Anamika Jiwane College of Engineering
126 2016 – 2017 Ms. Ayesh Agha Shah College of Engineering
127 2016 – 2017 Ms. Farial Khan College of Engineering
128 2016 – 2017 Ms. Fatma Ali College of Health Sciences
129 2016 – 2017 Ms. Lamya Eid College of Applied Studies
130 2016 – 2017 Ms. Lilibeth Azuela College of Applied Studies
131 2016 – 2017 Mrs. Naseem Saeed Abdulla College of Health Sciences
132 2017 – 2018 Dr. Abdulla Alqaddoumi College of Information Technology
133 2017 – 2018 Mr. Ajaz Rashid Ghulam Rasul Rashid College of Engineering
134 2017 – 2018 Dr. Asma Ayari College of Business Administration
135 2017 – 2018 Dr. Fadheela S. Isa Al Alawi College of Health Sciences
136 2017 – 2018 Dr. Huda Jawad Habib College of Health Sciences
137 2017 – 2018 Dr. Jalal Mohamed Khlaifat College of Information Technology
138 2017 – 2018 Mrs. Rabab Asgher A.Wahab College of Health Sciences
139 2017 – 2018 Dr. Reham Nemer Almesaeed College of Information Technology
140 2017 – 2018 Dr. Sumathi Kumaraswamy College of Business Administration
141 2017 – 2018 Mrs. Toqaآ  Jameel Busubaia College of Health Sciences
142 2017 – 2018 Miss. Valentina Sangeetha Jesurajآ  Fernando College of Arts
143 2017 – 2018 Mrs. Zainab Jaffar Mohammed College of Health Sciences
144 2017 – 2018 Dr. Aysha Al-Sayed College of Information Technology
145 2018 – 2019 Dr. Abrar Habib College of Engineering
146 2018 – 2019 Dr. Chetna Rajesh College of Arts
147 2018 – 2019 Ms. Nesrin Eren Zaffar English Language Centre
148 2018 – 2019 Dr. Noor Nabeel Aldoy College of Engineering
149 2018 – 2019 Ms. Rula Al-Saffar College of Health Sciences
150 2018 – 2019 Dr. Sabri Mohamed Ali College of Engineering
151 2018 – 2019 Dr. Sara Abdulla Bader French Studies Centre
152 2018 – 2019 Dr. Waleed Mohamed Alsadeqi College of Arts
153 2019-2020 Dr. Gayathripriya Narayanan College of Health Sciences
154 2019-2020 Dr. Manal Khalaf College of Engineering
155 2019-2020 Dr. Mohamed Abdulla Mohamed Abdulla Husain College of Health Sciences
156 2019-2020 Dr. Perna Simone College of Science
157 2019-2020 Dr. Ruby Thomas Bahrain Teachers College
158 2019-2020 Dr. Sأ³nia Lamela College of Engineering
159 2019-2020 Mrs. Zainab Sayed Salman Jaber Taher Majed Bahrain Teachers College
160 2020-2021 Dr. Hawra’a Jaafar Shaikh Mansoor College of Engineering
161 2020-2021 Dr. Magda Mohamed Mohamed Bayoumi College of Health Sciences
162 2020-2021 Dr. Salwa Baserrah College of Engineering
163 2020-2021 Dr. Yazan Mohammad Alghazo Bahrain Teachers College
164 2020-2021 Dr. Ghassan Alkoureiti College of Information Technology
165 2020-2021 Ms. Bani Arora Bahrain Teachers College
166 2021-2022 Ms. Afaf Ebrahim Mohamed College of Engineering
167 2021-2022 Dr. Dalal Salama Mohamed College of Health and Sports Sciences
168 2021-2022 Dr. Sara A.Khaleq Albuleshi College of Business Administration
169 2021-2022 Dr. Sobia Irum College of Business Administration
170 2021-2022 Dr. Muhammed Ajmal College of Engineering
171 2021-2022 Dr. Shadiya Al Hashmi College of Arts
172 2021-2022 Dr. Mohammed Borhandden Musah Bahrain Teachers College
173 2021-2022 Dr. Uneb Gazder College of Engineering
174 2021-2022 Dr. Zohour Ebrahim Mahmood Rashwan College of Health and Sports Sciences
175 2021-2022 Dr. Nada Mogamed College of Business Administration
176 2021-2022 Dr. Ihab Abousetta College of Arts
177 2021-2022 Ms. Dalal Alsindi College of Arts
178 2021-2022 Dr. Karim Ben Messai College of Science
179 2021-2022 Dr. Babacar Seck College of Science
180 2021-2022 Dr. Mayada Khalil Shukri College of Science

482019-2020Dr.Abdurahman Islam AlrawiFHEACollege of Applied Studies

Batch Title Name HEA Fellowship Category College
1 2015 – 2016 Dr. Hala Mohamed Sanad FHEA College of Health Sciences
2 2015 – 2016 Mrs. Muneera Al Sawad FHEA College of Health Sciences
3 2015 – 2016 Mrs. Mary Syrha Goveas FHEA English Learning Center
4 2015 – 2016 Mrs. Preeti Jaiswal FHEA English Learning Center
5 2016 – 2017 Mr. Herbert Penoso Azuela FHEA College of Applied Studies
6 2016 – 2017 Ms. Maryam Al Fadhel FHEA College of Engineering
7 2016 – 2017 Ms. Omaima Al Abbasi FHEA College of Engineering
8 2016 – 2017 Ms. Jaleela Alawi Sharaf FHEA College of Health Sciences
9 2016 – 2017 Mrs. Mariam Al Anan FHEA College of Health Sciences
10 2016 – 2017 Mrs. Nawal S. Maki Hasan FHEA College of Health Sciences
11 2016 – 2017 Ms. Sheeba Ponnamma Thomas FHEA College of Health Sciences
12 2016 – 2017 Ms. Sherry Nasralla Tawfik FHEA College of Health Sciences
13 2016 – 2017 Dr. Zakaria Issa Saleh FHEA College of Information Technology
14 2016 – 2017 Dr Najlaa Fathi Ewais FHEA College of Health Sciences
15 2016 – 2017 Mrs. Thara Mathai FHEA English Learning Center
16 2017 – 2018 Dr. Abdelaziz Mohamed Abdelaziz Hussien FHEA Bahrain Teachers College
17 2017 – 2018 Dr. Abduyah Yaakub FHEA Bahrain Teachers College
18 2017 – 2018 Dr. Ahmad Shaher Mashhour FHEA College of Information Technology
19 2017 – 2018 Dr. Ailiya Abbas FHEA College of Health Sciences
20 2017 – 2018 Dr. Abdulghani Ali Dawod Al-Hattami FHEA Bahrain Teachers College
21 2017 – 2018 Mrs. Amani Abdulla Kayed AFHEA College of Information Technology
22 2017 – 2018 Ms. Biljana Davcheva FHEA English Learning Center
23 2017 – 2018 Ms. Durezza Basil FHEA College of Health Sciences
24 2017 – 2018 Dr. Joel Indrupati FHEA College of Applied Studies
25 2017 – 2018 Ms. Muna Ghaith FHEA College of Health Sciences
26 2017 – 2018 Dr. Neesha Malik FHEA Bahrain Teachers College
27 2017 – 2018 Mrs. Nirmala Gangadurai FHEA College of Health Sciences
28 2017 – 2018 Mr. Safwan Mahmood Ibrahim Shatnawi FHEA College of Applied Studies
29 2017 – 2018 Mrs Tara Fryad Henari FHEA College of Applied Studies
30 2017 – 2018 Ms. Saswati Borah FHEA English Learning Center
31 2018 – 2019 Dr. Ali Hussain Ahmed Yateem AFHEA College of Science
32 2018 – 2019 Dr. Amal Zayed Alzayed FHEA Bahrain Teachers College
33 2018 – 2019 Ms. Dalal Abdulkarim Mukhallaf FHEA English Language Centre
34 2018 – 2019 Ms. Girija Kumari Stalin FHEA College of Health Sciences
35 2018 – 2019 Dr. Hatem Alsridi FHEA College of Arts
36 2018 – 2019 Mrs. Hessa Mohammed Al Atawi FHEA English Language Centre
37 2018 – 2019 Dr. Ismail Alam Elmahdi FHEA Bahrain Teachers College
38 2018 – 2019 Mrs. Jayanthi S.  Kotian FHEA College of Health Sciences
39 2018 – 2019 Mrs. Mary John FHEA English Language Centre
40 2018 – 2019 Dr. Nehal  Almurbati FHEA College of Engineering
41 2018 – 2019 Mrs. Roseben Pradeep FHEA College of Health Sciences
42 2018 – 2019 Dr. Rummana Farooqui FHEA College of Arts
43 2018 – 2019 Mrs. Safiya Adnan Zarzour FHEA English Language Centre
44 2018 – 2019 Mrs. Sara Al-Shiban FHEA English Language Centre
45 2018 – 2019 Dr. Shaban Aldabbus FHEA Bahrain Teachers College
46 2018 – 2019 Mrs. Wafa Mohamed Yousif FHEA English Language Centre
47 2018 – 2019 Mrs. Narjes Ahmed Salman FHEA College of Health Sciences
48 2019-2020 Dr. Abdurahman Islam Alrawi FHEA College of Applied Studies
49 2019-2020 Mrs. Abeer Abubakr Mohamed Ibrahim FHEA College of Engineering
50 2019-2020 Dr. Fatema Qaed FHEA College of Engineering
51 2019-2020 Dr. Fay Abdulla Mohamed Al Khalifa FHEA College of Engineering
52 2019-2020 Dr. Hala Hassan Fawzi Osman FHEA Bahrain Teachers College
53 2019-2020 Dr. Hana Mohamed Aljawder FHEA College of Engineering
54 2019-2020 Dr. Ibrahim Sulaiman Ahmed Mukhtar FHEA Bahrain Teachers College
55 2019-2020 Ms. Zahra Mahdi Abdulla AFHEA College of Engineering
56 2020-2021 Dr. Adnan Younis FHEA College of Science
57 2020-2021 Dr. Islam Elghonaimy FHEA College of Engineering
58 2020-2021 Dr. Muhammad Nauman Zahid FHEA College of Science
59 2020-2021 Dr. Muzaffar Asad Sheikh FHEA College of Business Administration
60 2020-2021 Dr. Naeem Anwar FHEA College of Health Sciences
61 2020-2021 Dr. Riaz Muhammad FHEA College of Engineering
62 2020-2021 Ms. Sevgi Can FHEA English Language Center
63 2020-2021 Dr. Yasser Ahmed Gomaa Hassanein FHEA College of Arts
64 2020-2021 Mrs. Annum Waseem FHEA Bahrain Teachers College
65 2020-2021 Dr. Inaam Majeed George Alnajar FHEA College of Health Sciences
66 2020-2021 Dr. Manar Abdulla Mohamed Hasan Altamimi FHEA College of Health Sciences
67 2020-2021 Mr. Mohamed Hassan Fardan FHEA College of Applied Studies
68 2020-2021 Dr. Mona Mohammed Attia Sharshouh FHEA College of Health Sciences
69 2020-2021 Dr. Shaima Alqahtani FHEA College of Health Sciences
70 2020-2021 Prof. Anwar Ebrahim Mansoor FHEA College of Arts
71 2020-2021 Mrs. Rana Majed Alalawi FHEA College of Health Sciences
72 2020-2021 Dr. AbdulAziz Hasan Saleh FHEA College of Law
73 2020-2021 Prof. Mahmoud Elsayed Dauod FHEA College of Arts
74 2021-2022 Dr. May Ali Khalfan FHEA College of Engineering
75 2021-2022 Dr. Mona Abdullatif Abdulla FHEA College of Engineering
76 2021-2022 Ms. Muna Ebrahim Yusuf Mohamed FHEA Bahrain Teachers College
77 2021-2022 Ms. Nisha Preji FHEA Bahrain Teachers College
78 2021-2022 Dr. Qasem Turki Qasem FHEA College of Information Technology
79 2021-2022 Dr. Rexon Taguines FHEA Bahrain Teachers College
80 2021-2022 Mr. Mohamed Faisal Irfan FHEA College of Engineering
81 2021-2022 Ms. Fatema Alshaer FHEA Bahrain Teachers College
82 2021-2022 Dr. Funda Ornek FHEA Bahrain Teachers College
Batch Title Name HEA Fellowship Category College
1 2017 – 2018 Ms. Leyla Taleb AFHEA English Learning Center
2 2017 – 2018 Dr Mohammed Yousif Abbas AFHEA College of Health Sciences
3 2017 – 2018 Dr Naeem Anwar AFHEA College of Health Sciences
4 2017 – 2018 Ms. Alia AlKameli AFHEA College of Information Technology
5 2018 – 2019 Dr. Ahmed Abd El-Fattah Maamoun AFHEA College of Science
6 2018 – 2019 Dr. Amine Mahjoub AFHEA College of Information Technology
7 2018 – 2019 Dr. Hawra Jaafar Alshaikh AFHEA College of Engineering
8 2018 – 2019 Prof. Moustafa Ibrahim Mohamed AFHEA College of Science
9 2018 – 2019 Mrs. Nahid Ali Mohamed AFHEA English Language Centre
10 2018 – 2019 Dr. Salwa Baserrah AFHEA College of Engineering
11 2019-2020 Dr. Esameldeen Mohamedtom Babikir AFHEA College of Health Sciences
12 2019-2020 Dr. Ling Suan Choo AFHEA College of Business Administration
13 2019-2020 Dr. Arwa Alshaikh AFHEA College of Law
14 2019-2020 Dr. Wafa Al Wafi AFHEA College of Law
15 2020-2021 Mr. Abdulnaser Abdulaziz Mohamed Abdulla AFHEA College of Engineering
16 2020-2021 Dr. Ahmed Hefnawy AFHEA College of Science
17 2020-2021 Dr. Gul Khan Shahzada AFHEA College of Science
18 2021-2022 Dr. Belal Sadiq Hamed Rabab’h AFHEA Bahrain Teachers College
19 2021-2022 Ms. Khushboo Shah AFHEA College of Engineering
20 2021-2022 Mr. Motaz Taiseer Saleh AFHEA College of Engineering
21 2021-2022 Ms. Noor Saleh Alalawi AFHEA College of Engineering
22 2021-2022 Ms. Safa Qassim Safar AFHEA College of Applied Studies
23 2021-2022 Dr. Mohamed Rizwan AFHEA College of Engineering
Date completed Batch Title Name College
1 April/15 2014 – 2015 Dr. Sana Al-Mansoori College of Engineering
2 February/17 2016 – 2017 Dr. Hayat Mohammed Abdulla Ali College of Information Technology
3 March/17 2016 – 2017 Dr. Hasan Mohsin Hasan Al Wadi Bahrain Teachers College
4 April/17 2016 – 2017 Dr. Amal Mohammed Ahmed Al-Rayes College of Information Technology
5 May/17 2016 – 2017 Dr. Hayat Abdulla Yusuf College of Engineering
6 July/17 2016 – 2017 Dr. Zainab Ali Mohammed Redha College of Engineering
7 October/17 2016 – 2017 Dr. Thuraya Al Manssori College of Science
8 January/19 2018 – 2019 Mrs. Preeti Jaiswal College of Arts
9 March/20 2019 – 2020 Dr. Mirvat Isa Albuflasa College of Arts
10 October/22 2021-2022 Dr. Abdulghani Al-Hattami Bahrain Teachers College


Director’s office 

Dr. Amal Alrayes                         E-mail: aalrayes@uob.edu.bh                    Utel@uob.edu.bh