Quotes from participants

  • Asma Ayari – PCAP 2017-2018
    As a faculty member from the College of Business Administration, I have given the opportunity to participate in the PCAP program at the University of Bahrain.In regards to academic content, Post Graduate Certificate for Academic Practice Program (PCAP) is specifically tailored to suit teachers, who already have teaching experience but want to further their careers by getting a higher qualification. The course is very well-paced and can be completed relatively easily while working full-time. The modules were highly relevant and very effective which helped me to think through various ways of teaching.There is, of course, a lot of research and reading involved, but this is made a lot less daunting by the great mentors, peer review, and the fact that almost everything you work on can be tied back into your classroom. I’ve tried to make my classes more interesting. I felt challenged and consistently drawn into the exercises and presentations, but I really enjoyed thoroughly this opportunity to reflect!
    The program is great in content and also in terms of networking. I was able to talk and interact with others participants from various disciplines and colleges. I learned a lot from their experience, insights and to get strength from each other. It was really one of the best ways to learn about academic fieldwork in the real world.I learnt a lot. I am inspired to rethink the way I plan and present my work. This experience has made me a more effective, confident, and reflective teacher. An excellent program which I recommend to all academic staff interested in seeing real progress in their work.”

  • Nesrin Erin Zaffer, PCAP 2018-2019
    I enjoyed doing PCAP at UTEL as this course provided me with plenty of opportunities to refresh my knowledge in teaching and assessment but also added a new perspective to how I could become a better educator and cater for my students and the institution I work for in the best possible way. The sessions were engaging and fun, filled with hands-on tasks which promoted effective collaboration and discussions on various methods for better teaching and learning. One reason was that the trainers were great at keeping us motivated while delivering the sessions.

  • Lilibeth Serencio Azuela PCAP 2016-2017
    The PCAP program has truly been an incredibly helpful learning experience. I’ve learnt a lot from all of the constructive and practical inputs and guidance taught by my mentors.
    It’s very beneficial as it helps me implement in my courses the pedagogical approaches in teaching and learning. Thank you very much UTEL team !

  • Valentina Sangeetha, PCAP 2017 – 2018
    The one-year PCAP Program was an eye opener in enhancing my professional practices. This intensive program provided me with an excellent opportunity to improve my teaching skills and widen my knowledge in current pedagogical methods. It has made me a better ‘reflective teacher’ with the disposition to constantly strive to grow professionally and to contribute to my students’ overall development. I thank the UTEL team for this well-organized program.

  • Dr. Ajaz Rashed – PCAP 2017-2018
    The PCAP program was an excellent opportunity to develop my teaching skills. There are many useful things the participants take with them from this course. The UTEL team was very helpful throughout, encouraging all the participants in a well-organized and interactive atmosphere. The planning, implementation and post-execution were all exemplary. I am appreciative of the entire team.

  • Dr. Sabri Mrayed
    Assistant Professor Department of Chemical Engineering “I found the program to be a very beneficial to me since I have not been involved in any courses or programs that can improve my teaching knowledge and skills that would make me an effective academic practitioner. I was impressed by all teachers and organizers for their continuous support during the one-year course.”
  • Dr Ailiya Abbas – CPD 2017-2018
    Thank you, all of you for your support and dedication without which we would not have been successful. CPD has changed our perspective and I can see the impact on my students.

  • Joel Indrupati – CPD 2017-2018
    I am thrilled and honoured that I am receiving this through all of you, who prepared us well. You have given us exemplary training and coaching, and I will always be indebted to you and Dr Raed for the excellent workshops you conducted during the whole year – in this CPD Program. Many thanks to all others from UTEL, with Dr. Sana’s leadership, for all your efforts in facilitating the development of excellence in university teaching.

  • Ms. Nirmala .G – CPD 2017-2018
    The passion to teach gets excited to see our student excel, remember learning, practice with integrity and a professional role model, a product of quality, which is the outcome of dedicated work in any discipline. The Nursing profession, demands a dynamic teacher with special skills combining qualities like problem solving, decision-making, empathy etc., to foster knowledge, attitude and skills in the budding learners who have determined to be future saviours of life. Being a nurse educator for 19 years now, had left me with many questions unanswered as a teacher to lend a helping hand to those in need ,especially when it comes to learning specific skills like in nursing.This CPD course at University of Bahrain had thrown light to focus deeply on reflection as a tool to self-think, plan with guidance of UKPSF and to deliver the teaching material in a very meaningful manner. It had kept me abreast of developments in the teaching, learning world. The workshops enlightened us with ideas formulated subsequently to improve course delivery. It also helped us in sharing of expertise between participants from various disciplines, which has power of its own to impart innovation in designing course appropriately, helping student adapt to learning environments, different feedback methods, student support and professional self -development. CPD ignited the mind to lead great new paths, by kindling spirits that needed rejuvenation after 19 years of experience. Starting from just meeting your students to the task of guiding them to practice is been wonderfully guided on each step described by Gibbs and Race in their monuments of literary evidences.This professional journey was completed successfully with the due support of the administrators, teachers and the great encouragement from my mentor. I am sure fellowship from AdvanceHE is a key to quality teaching and learning at any university, “Scholarship of teaching is about improving student learning by investigating the learning of one’s own students and one’s own teaching” (Trigwell et al, 2000:159)”

  • Dr. Mohammed Yousif – CPD 2017-2018
    It was a good opportunity to enrol in NTB program and to obtain the fellowship of The Higher Education Academy. The additional experience in different types of effective teaching and learning methodologies have shaped us and a value addition in the service of higher education, Thanks UTEL team!

  • Ms. Tara Fryad Henari – CPD 2017-2018
    In completing the CPD program, I have walked away with more than expected. The program itself has enabled me to look at students in a different light, and more importantly made me look at my teaching methods differently. I was highly impressed with the UTEL team, who showed professionalism but with pure sincerity. Constant authentic support was available and highly beneficial. The diverse background of my colleagues in the program enabled sharing of different methods and perspectives. The motivation the team built up in me, has given me a life changing experience in my career, enabling me to be more creative and innovative effortlessly.

  • Abdelaziz Hussien – CPD 2017-2018
    Develop or Perish, one of the most effective channels to improve your professional practices is to participate in UTEL programmes. I am undertaking CPD programme in 2017/2018 and I have found it has all factors of success, chief among them, the thoughtful and experienced faculties who are inspired by well-established and robust up-to-date ideas in the field of teaching and learning. They create an engaging, enjoyable, and inspiring environment, and prepare practical, well-organized and fully engaging activities. As an educationist, I would say nothing but participate to create.

  • Dr. Abdulghani Al-Hattami – CPD 2017-2018
    After attending a couple of workshops and participating in the CPD program, I truly appreciate the efforts you and your team put to have successful training sessions from A – Z. The materials you provide are very unified and well-prepared according to your own standards. The delivery focuses on hands-on activities which are full of fun and learning opportunities. The knowledge of your team and their respects to participants are wonderful. I wish you nothing but continuous success.

  • Dr. Nehal Al Merbati, B.Sc., MA, PhD
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Architecture and Interior Design
    College of Engineering“The CPD program helped in reshaping and enhancing my teaching practice. The program engages you with different colleagues from different disciplines who allowed me the opportunity to explore various tools, apps and learning theories that can enhance my teaching practice in my design studios. Ultimately, the program allowed me to be more reflective in my teaching throughout the one year program. The UTEL team of qualified and expert academics were really inspiring and very helpful throughout this enriching journey”

  • Dr. Hatem Ahmed Alsridi Assistant-Professor University Of Bahrain
    “I applied to the CPD programme 2018-2019. After 9 months of great work, I can whiteness that it was a very exciting experience, full of knowledge, exchange and best practices; I have never heard about or practiced. With a very nice team handling the programme, I could finally achieve my RAPP in which I have included the learning activities I have implemented during the academic year, framed according to the UK HEA Professional Standard Framework. Finally, After a hard and great work, I got my HEA Fellowship and I am very glad of that.”

  • Dr. Sabri Mrayed
    Assistant Professor Department of Chemical Engineering “I found the program to be a very beneficial to me since I have not been involved in any courses or programs that can improve my teaching knowledge and skills that would make me an effective academic practitioner. I was impressed by all teachers and organizers for their continuous support during the one-year course.”

  • Biljana Davceva, CPD. 2017-2018
    The CPD fellowship programme was one of the most practical and valuable programmes I have attended. It allowed us to reflect on our teaching practices and to implement innovative techniques and strategies in the classroom. The programme was well organised and professionally executed by the mentors and the presenters.

  • Dr. Muhammad Nauman Zahid, CPD 2020-2021
    I am pleased to share my experience of CPD. It was wonderful learning opportunity. My mentor, Dr. Abdulghani was very helpful, and under his guidance, it was quite easy to complete all targets and assignments. He was a superb mentor. The delivery team of UTEL was also very well prepared. Their lectures and presentations were up to date and well-coordinated. It was easy to approach them for any questions and inquiry. It was great to receive the fellowship of HEA, UK. After CPD, I have changed few things in my teaching, and it has improved class environment and interaction with students. I would highly recommend other faculty members to take such courses.

  • Dr. Adnan Younis, CPD 2020 – 2021
    It is an immense pleasure to share my experience with Dr. Abdulghani as a mentee, as he was always available for me to provide any support whenever needed during CPD program.
    The lectures and workshops arranged by UTEL were insightful and they really helped me in polishing my teaching skills. The student engagement and reflection on teaching practices are key things which I gained experience in through this program. I have no doubt that I have developed exceptional teaching skills through CPD program I felt highly obliged to UOB after receiving my Fellowship Certificate.

  • Dr. Yasser Ahmed Gomaa, CPD 2020 -2021
    Learning is an endless journey. Joining the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programme of 2020-2021 has been a major stop along this journey. The CPD lectures and workshops I have attended proved beneficial as they have helped me gain insight into new teaching approaches and techniques. Thanks are due to the CPD instructors, Dr. Hasan Al Wadi and Dr. Hayat Yousif, who have provided us with illuminating ideas and valuable feedback. Exchanging ideas with them and my CPD colleagues has undoubtedly broadened my horizons.
    The dedication and tireless efforts of Dr. Diana Al Jahromi, the UTELL director and Dr. Masooma Al Mutawah, the CPD program director, Mrs. Preeti Jaiswal as well as Dr. Noora Al Shamlan, my mentor and the other instructors have been inspiring. I truly would like to take a leaf out of their book. I must say that I also learnt from the advice of the people who thankfully attended one of my classes – Dr. Al Shamlan, my mentor, and my colleague Ms. Annum Waseem. it was really a useful visit.
    The patience of the director of CPD, the director of UTEL as well as the other instructors particularly on the follow-up-session has been a good lesson to me. PDP which is part of the CPD programme has also been very useful. It has given me a chance to think and express my thoughts of short term and long term dream. Last and not least, I am fortunate that the University of Bahrain is highly supportive of continuing professional development for its faculty members to help them to to boost their self-esteem and keep up with the latest pedagogical trends and the best practices in teaching and learning.

  • Ms. Sevgi CAN, CPD 2020 – 2021
    CPD program has been one of the most enriching experiences in that it has given me an even deeper insight into my teaching practice. Also, it has allowed me to concretize the very concepts that driven my career for the last two decades. This program and the process of compiling this portfolio have changed my perception of my teaching practice. Now, while designing “any” activity for my students, I think about all the dimensions that contribute to the structure of an activity and what kind of effect it has on my students’ learning. In this process our lecturers’ and mentors’ constant support and the feedback they provided were immensely helpful. They were ready to step in for help whenever I needed.

  • Mrs. Annum Waseem, CPD 2020 – 2021
    “The CPD Program was a wonderful learning experience that helped me develop my professional skills through engaging in diverse activities, critical thinking, best practices, and reflection. My mentor provided ongoing support and guidance to help me ensure that I met my professional goals. The meetings were particularly useful, as I had a chance to collaborate with the text and have lively discussions with my fellow mentees. The delivery team was prompt in responding to my questions and queries, and did an excellent job in organizing practical and relevant workshops. Upon completion of the program, I was delighted to successfully receive my fellowship and be named a fellow under the HEA. Overall, I have grown to become a more mindful and reflective practitioner through participating in all of the CPD program related activities, as well as learned various ways to improve my own teaching methods. I am grateful to have availed this beneficial learning opportunity. A special thank you to the entire UTEL team, my mentor Dr. Noora, the Coordinator Dr. Masooma, and everyone else involved in planning, hosting, and implementing the different workshops, meetings, and exercises.”

  • Dr. Islam Hamdi Elghonaimy, CPD 2020 – 2021
    The Delivery team (Coordinator and Lecturer) were excellent members and helpful.
    I was delighted to receive the Fellowship certificate. It was a dream. For many times I thought I can not obtain it.CPD program is a positive difference on my current practices . Sure, of that.
  • Dr. Hawra Jaafar Shaikh Mansoor, B.Sc., MA, PhD
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Architecture and Interior Design
    College of Engineering“It has been such a pleasure to be part of the NTB program 2018-2019. It provided us with very informing sessions and discussions with very professional and expert tutors and mentors like Dr. HayatAli and Ms. Tara Henari. The program acted as a motivational tool to encourage us as academics to step back from our everyday practice and try to evaluate, rethink and modify our teaching methods and activities. I personally enjoyed every and each part of the program and it had a great impact on the way I pursue my practice. Great “Thank You” goes to the UTEL team for organizing and facilitating such programs.”

  • Dr. Choo Ling Suan, NTB 2019 – 2020.
    “A wonderful and well-organized program. Instructors and mentors are knowledgeable and helpful. Practical and challenging assignments. Opportunities to exchange tips with participants.”

  • Dr. Esameldeen Mohamed, NTB 2019-2020
    It has been a unique & enlightening program. Thank you very much, UTEL team!!! I highly recommend this program to everyone who recently joined teaching in the Kingdom of Bahrain as a start for other advanced levels of training. I enjoyed and learned a lot in a comfortable environment with the exceptional UTEL team.

Excerpts from the external examiner reports

  • 2020-2021: I was particularly pleased to see that impact on students (‘success’ in UKPSF language) is important in decision-making “..one might argue that here your participants, at least the better ones, are outperforming their global contemporaries.”“There is strict making according to the criteria and no hesitation to fail work where this is warranted. A fair and transparent approach, supported by clear feedback to indicate what was amiss. The learning outcomes (both PILOs and CILOs) emphasize reflection and criticality and by-and-large these are achieved.”“In general, the assessment rubrics are well-developed and matched other components, including learning outcomes. They are followed by markers to the letter. The assessment is rigorous”“The formative assessments were truly developmental within each program and well aligned with the learning outcomes and demands of Fellowship.”“Promoting reflection is heavily emphasized, and this too is a significant and strong facet of UTEL’s approach”
  • 2019-2020: “Whatever route to Fellowship, the program team is making very robust Fellowship/academic decisions and is clearly, through feedback, able to justify the decisions.”“I am amazed by how well the participants perform … greatly exceeding the threshold learning outcomes. How you manage to get them to this point in under a year is beyond me.”“It’s a pleasure for me to learn from what is happening at UoB. These are excellent programs of which the University should be proud.”
  • 2018-2019: “..the standards expressed as PILOs and CILOs are entirely appropriate for postgraduate learning at M level, and show a logical development and progression as students move through the programme – a clever design.”“A broad range of assessments tools is in evidence, giving opportunity for participants of various learning styles and of different natural strengths to shine.”“Very good use of assessment criteria (rubrics) to guide assessors… Excellent use of formative work, often using different tools, but assessing the same learning outcomes as summative work.
  • 2017-2018: “Constructive alignment is an extremely strong feature of each of the programmes I have examined. There is a very clear path from aims and learning outcomes through assessment rubrics to assessment scores and feedback. All is codified and additionally has clear links to the UKPSF. This provides an exemplary model for the participants to carry over into their own practice. The programmes certainly practice what they preach.”
  • 2016-2017: “The [Faculty Development programs] provide a solid platform for building a culture of sustained [Continuous Professional Development] at the University. The structure of the PCAP programme remains both diverse and appropriate. Overall, I endorse the outcomes of all assessments: sterling work has been done by the programme team.”
  • 2015-2016: “The curriculum of the PCAP programme is varied, comprehensive, well-rounded and very interesting. The four courses complement each other well and the delivery sequence is sound. I would like to study it!
  • 2014-2015: “……the [PCAP] program deserves to be celebrated internationally as an example of good practice.”
  • 2013-2014: “The teaching team is to be commended for the high quality of their work in preparation, delivery and assessment. ……….. I have been particularly impressed by the support given to students by the teaching team …”