Post Graduate Certificate for Academic Practice Program (PCAP)

The Postgraduate Certificate for Academic Practice (PCAP) Program is one of the faculty development programs offered by the Unit for Teaching Excellence and Leadership (UTEL) at the University of Bahrain (UoB). It is a postgraduate certificate accredited by the Higher Education Academy (HEA) in the UK. It is designed to offer professional training and scaffolding to early career academics to improve their teaching skills and achieve recognition from the UK HEA at Descriptor 2 (Fellowship). In addition, this program enhances faculty members’ reflective thinking about their teaching practice and the learning process.

  • The PCAP program is an on job faculty training and development program available for academic faculty at the UoB (or any other HEI).
  • It is a post graduate certificate accredited by the Higher Education Academy (HEA) UK and leads to certification by the HEA at Descriptors 2 (ie. at the level of Fellowship of HEA).
  • It is designed to offer early career academics the opportunity to develop their teaching skills in relation to the dimensions of the UK Professional standard framework (UKPSF).
  • It is a post graduate level program that provides early career faculty members with the practical training and scaffolding required to systematically improve their teaching skills and embark on a successful career in HE.
  • It also equips them with the tools, attitudes and reflective thinking that should set them on a path for continuous professional development beyond their candidacy in the program.
  • The PCAP program is also available to veteran academics who like to revive their practice and adopt a more reflective approach to their teaching. Gradates of the program achieve professional recognition (professional certification) awarded by the HEA UK at Descriptor 2.

The duration of the programs is one academic year. The intensive workshop start during the first week of September and the last assignment is submitted towards the end of May.

The PCAP Program has two objectives:

  1. To support participants develop their teaching skills in relation to the UKPSF.
  2. To guide participants in applying for professional recognition for successful engagement with the UKPSF.
Upon the completion of this program, the participants will be able to:
  1. Critically evaluate learning, teaching and assessment strategies in order to create a learning environment appropriate to the learner’s needs.
  2. Take a pro-active and self-reflective role in the design and planning of learning activities and/or programs of study in relation to their own practice.
  3. Critically evaluate current issues in research into learning, teaching and assessment.
  4. Critically evaluate professional practice, including underlying theories, values and assumptions and plan for continuing professional development.
  • The program is fundamentally based on a participant (student) -centered approach of delivery.
  • It is delivered through a series of workshops and supported independent learning activities organized by lecturers and mentors.
  • The content delivered is tailored to meet the participants’ needs and to support them construct their own learning throughout the academic year.

There are four compulsory courses divided into two courses each semester of the academic year.

PCAP 501: Reflective Practice (3,0,3)
PCAP 502: Personal and Professional Development (3,0,3)
PCAP 503: Reflection and Critical Thinking in Academic Practice (3,0,3)
PCAP 504: Approaches to Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Higher Education (3,0,3)

  • The participants’ achievement of the above PILO’s is assessed through a number of written and oral assessment tasks, which will include both formative and summative assignments. These tasks include journals, reports, portfolios and presentations.
  • All the assignments have the dual purpose of providing evidence of completion of the PCAP requirements, and successful achievement of the UKPSF dimensions.
  • The successful fulfillment of the requirements for professional recognition by the UK HEA at Descriptor 2 (Fellowship) is evidenced in a Reflective Academic Practice Portfolio (RAPP), which is submitted by the participants for summative assessment of PCAP 502.

The participant needs to:

  • attend the intensive study days, mentor group meetings, submit all formative assignments and pass all summative assignments with a minimum of the grade C.
  • obtain a letter of reference from his/her mentor on their performance throughout the academic year.

Upon successful fulfillment of the requirements of all the four courses in the program, the participants will be:

  • Awarded a Post Graduate Certificate in Academic Practice from the University of Bahrain.
  • Entitled to the UK Higher Education Academy (HEA) fellowship.


Director’s office
Dr. Diana Al Jahromi
E-mail: daljahrami@uob.edu.bh