The Yunus Emre Institute was established to promote Turkey, its cultural legacy, Turkish language, its culture and art, and to develop Turkey’s relations and fellowships with other countries. The Institute aims to encourage cultural interaction and serve those who want to receive education on Turkish culture, language and art, by concentrating its activities on education, science, and culture and arts. While the Institute pursues its mission of increasing the recognition, credibility, and prestige of Turkey in the international arena, it aims to increase the number of people who create bonds and friendship with Turkey across the world.


  1. Cultural Interaction: Culture and art are the main fields of presence for Yunus Emre Institute. The Institute aims to increase cultural interaction between Turkey and other countries and to serve for the better perception of Turkey through culture and art events.
  2. Turkish as a Second Foreign Language: Dedicated to teaching Turkish in order to increase the familiarity and reputation of the Turkish language abroad, Yunus Emre Institute aims to enable the people of other countries to get to know Turkey directly.
  3. Scientific and Academic Interaction: Yunus Emre Institute carries out operations to promote and to support Turkey’s global scientific and academic works. The Institute collaborates with more than 100 universities in more than 60 countries as part of the Turkology project and offer courses on Turkish language and culture, and supports chairs and departments for the same purpose.
  4. Cultural Diplomacy: Having successfully implemented the cultural diplomacy approach, the Institute focuses on theoretical works to promote culture as an integral component of international relations.

Study Programs

Turkish Courses

Yunus Emre Institute makes an effort to teach Turkish on various venues and platfoms – including the Turkish language classes at Yunus Emre Turkish Culture Centers; the “Tercihim Türkçe” (I Prefer Turkish) project in which Turkish is taught as a second foreign language in primary, middle and higher education organizations; the Turcology Project through which Turkish is offered at universities abroad, and the online Portal for Teaching Turkish ( ), where hundreds of thousands of people learn Turkish by themselves.

Turkish Summer School

Turkish Summer School welcomes foreign guests and students from around the world in different cities in Turkey and enables them to experience Turkish language and culture in its homeland. In addition to lessons, the students also attend travel tours that get to know the cultural and natural beauties of the city/region they are visiting.

Teacher Training

In order to meet the need for experienced teachers for foreign language education, Yunus Emre Institute regularly organized programs for their training. In addition to programs that are available for those who have an academic or professional interest in the field, the Institute also hosts education events for organizations that teach Turkish as a foreign language.

Additional Information

As a cultural diplomacy institution, the Yunus Emre Institute was established in 2009, with headquarters in Ankara, and opened its first branch abroad in Sarajevo in 2009. The Institute currently operates in 50 countries including Europe, Asia, Middle East, East Asia, Africa, and the Americas with a total of 60 active Yunus Emre Turkish Culture Centres. Recently, the Institute began its activities in Beijing and Abuja and will soon establish new branches in Kigali, Toronto, and Buenos Aires. The Institute aims to continue this expansion into 2023, when it expects to have up to 100 Culture Centres operational.

Besides the Turkish education provided at the Culture Centres, Turkish education and Turkology departments are supported through the cooperation with educational institutions in other countries. The Institute provides a basis for cooperation between universities in Turkey and those abroad, particularly by using its network with universities abroad for science diplomacy.

The Yunus Emre Institute regards creating opportunities for interaction and dialogue as a primary mission. To this end, the Institute is implementing many different projects and planning new ones. With all these large scale projects and other activities, the Yunus Emre Institute aims to develop and strengthen connections with other countries. For this purpose, the Institute, through its wide international network, cooperates on a comprehensive basis with other institutions that carry out cultural activities at international level and thus contribute to Turkey’s cultural diplomacy.




Director’s Office

Şükran Yılmaz

Tel: 39593169
