Participating In the International Conference on Improving the Performance and Effectiveness of Schools.. A Study at UoB: Schools Leaders Believe in the Importance of Review Visits From BQA

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Khadija Abdulsalam)

9 November 2021

A study that was recently conducted at the University of Bahrain (UoB) found that school leaders in the Kingdom of Bahrain believe in the importance of review visits conducted by the Education and Training Quality Authority (BQA), as they indicated that these visits show their schools their strengths and weaknesses, and the recommendations of these reviews contribute to raising the performance of their educational institutions.

Also, the school leaders – in the study sample – drew attention to their need for continuous training in preparation for these visits, and to benefit from the practices of distinguished schools, and they noted the necessity for the current evaluation frameworks to consider the conditions of each school in terms of student numbers and the nature of the educational stage.

The study was titled “The Views of Public-School Leaders On the Performance Review Visits Conducted by the Education and Training Quality Authority: A Study in the Kingdom of Bahrain”, and it was presented by Salman Yousef Zayed, the lecturer from the Bahrain Teachers College at UoB, in the scientific forum entitled “Review of Educational Policies”, which was held on the 19th of October 2021, on the “Zoom” application.

The study was prepared by a team from the College, and it recommended conducting studies that include private school principals and their assistants, as well as a study to compare the opinions of public and private school teachers on the reviews of BQA, in addition to the opinions of community representatives, parents, and students, and a study to determine the direct impact of the reviews of BQA in improving the performance of schools.

This event was organized by the specialized body on educational policies in the ” International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement” (ICSEI), and the Forum was moderated by the expert on educational policies at the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Dr. Peter Punt.

The Forum discussed several axes represented in studying the impact of educational policies related to dealing with the Corona pandemic on educational systems in some countries in the Middle East, North Africa and European countries, as well as the views of school leaders in these countries about distance education, and best practices related to this aspect.

2022-01-11T10:34:43+03:00November 9, 2021|Uncategorized|
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