Praising the Role of Sports in Reducing Stress and Improving Temperament A Faculty Member at UoB Wins the Kingdom’s Women’s Badminton Championship

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Ali Al-Sabbaq)
14 June 2022
Amal Atiya Mohsen, a faculty member in the Department of Architecture and Interior Design at the College of Engineering at the University of Bahrain (UoB), won the gold medal in the Kingdom’s (second) Badminton Championship for Women, organized by the Qadisiya Youth Empowerment Center, in the doubles and singles category.
The University President, Dr. Jawaher bint Shaheen Al-Mudhahki, congratulated the lecturer Amal Mohsen on this achievement, saluted the spirit of determination to win this championship, noting the importance of sports for everyone’s physical and psychological health, and in raising the spirit of fair sports play that raises preparedness and motivates the individual to do their best.
For her part, Mohsen confirmed that playing badminton helps in focusing on academic tasks, as sport in general and badminton, in particular, are known for their role in reducing anxiety and tension, and improving temperament in general, which reflects positively on the completion of job tasks with better quality.
It is worth mentioning that Amal Mohsen holds a Bachelor’s degree in Interior Design from UoB in 2013, and a Master’s degree from the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom in 2015, and she has been working as an interior design lecturer at UoB since January of this year 2022.
Regarding her experience, Amal stated: “I started playing badminton in 2017 for the entertainment purposes and spending time with friends, then it developed into a hobby, so I resorted training with professional coaches and players in Bahrain, and now badminton has become a part of my life,” noting that her preference for this sport is due to the fact that it “depends on focus, and on well-thought-out and elaborate movements, as it is a sport full of challenge and determination, to achieve the best every time, and its movements help to strengthen the heart, by moving all the muscles of the body.”
Mohsen pointed out that the Corona virus pandemic did not stop her badminton training, as she continued personal training at home within a limited space.
Also, the lecture, who plays the sport two days a week, won a gold medal in the Sports Day Championship of the Kingdom of Bahrain 2021, and two gold medals in the Kingdom’s Singles and Doubles Championships in March of this year 2022.
Moreover, Mohsen expressed her hope that badminton will become more popular in Bahrain, in addition to being part of the Bahrain national badminton team and representing the Kingdom in foreign and international championships.

2022-08-21T12:24:55+03:00June 14, 2022|Uncategorized|
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