Prof. Burgos: The UNESCO Prize – King Hamad draws attention of educational innovators worldwide

Key breakthrough issues in education


news 19 03 2017 2

The Chair of the International jury for “The UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize for the information and communication technologies (ICTs) in Education”, Professor Daniel Burgos stressed the importance of this prize award as one of the events that innovators are waiting for.

Since 2006, the prize rewards projects and global diversified activities of individuals, institutions, other entities or non-governmental organizations from for excellent models, best practices and creative use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to enhance learning, teaching and improve educational outcomes.

In line with the prize award that was sponsored early in February 2017 by the Kingdom of Bahrain, the president of the University of Bahrain (uoB) Professor Riyad Yousif Hamzah hosted an event at the university with Prof. Burgos along with students, faculty and staff. During the event, Prof. Burgos highlighted the key role of technology and teaching to support every student along their journey to finish their studies and achieve better opportunities for themselves after graduation.

Prof. Burgos was delighted with the high commitment shown by the Ministry of Education and UoB, the only public university in Kingdom of Bahrain in providing the best educational opportunities to students in Bahrain, in addition to leading the way with learning technologies”

Professor Hamzah said “we are delighted to host Prof Burgos and for him to share his knowledge and experience with our university. Bahrain are key partners of UNESCO and are fully committed to leading educational innovation through technology”.

2017-03-23T09:58:00+03:00March 23, 2017|Uncategorized|
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