Professor Hamza: Supporting institutions for graduation projects is one aspect of community partnership

During the opening of the graduation projects exhibition for engineering students

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The President of the University of Bahrain, Professor Riyad Hamza, stressed the importance of the role played by the different sectors in promoting community partnership. He pointed out that supporting and benefiting from student projects is one of the aspects of these partnerships.

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During the inauguration of the Exhibition of Graduation Projects for students of the College of Engineering in Isa Town, Professor Hamza urged students to continue the achievement so that the spirit of challenge will always remain high.

The President praised final year students in all branches of engineering saying, “today’s students are more prepared, more confident, and the testimonials that we receive from the labour market about the students of the College of Engineering at the University of Bahrain are a source of pride.” He added, “We have a lot of responsibilities to maintain practices and the development of other aspects, in the continuous pursuit of the University’s strategy academically, which is reflected in Bahrain Economic Vision 2030.

The exhibition was characterised by innovative and diverse projects in mechanical, electronic, civil, chemical and electrical engineering. The most prominent of these projects is a mechanical chair system that assists the user in climbing the stairs. The project is a mechanical and electrical chair that enables mainly the disabled and the elderly to use the stairs safely through a safety slip-free device.

Other students presented a project to heat water with renewable thermal energy and without electricity in the winter. The project aims to reduce the use of electricity.

First positions winners received certificates of appreciation and shields from the Dean of the College Dr. Fouad Al-Ansari in the presence of representatives of the private sector companies.

The first place in the Department of Civil Engineering was won by the students Dalal Fawzi Fulaifel, and Nada Faisal Al-Murbati for their project on designing wall insulation for the heat of buildings and housing by employing nonconcrete technology. The first place in the Department of Electrical Engineering was won by the students Hussein Habib Mughni, Hussein Abbas, Diyaa Al-Shehabi and Ali Mahmoud for their project on an intelligent system that identifies the location of imbalance in the cables under ground between power stations in residential areas. The students emphasised that the aim of the project is to develop the electricity network in the Kingdom of Bahrain, to locate the defects directly from the control room and repair them.

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The first place in the Department of Electronic Engineering was gained by the project developed by the students Hussein Abdul-Rasul Al-Jaafari and Ahmed Abdullah Al-Fardan to control the pH of water used in aquaculture. The small size of the system makes it useable in domestic agriculture, and to control the percentage of acidity in water to meet the need of the plant and its growth.

The first place in the Department of Chemical Engineering was gained by the project programme that helps the companies working in the field of oil extraction to know the proportion of other deposits in the oil to be extracted. The program, which was developed by the students Adian Ismail, Atrab Ali, and Kawthar Atiq, employs a chemical equation to see degrees of pressure, temperature, and concentrate salt in oil, which contributes to reducing the cost of extraction.

The first position in the Department of Mechanical Engineering was gained by a project of increasing the torque of the machine by changing the fuel combustion chambers from the vertical position currently used to the horizontal position. The students Marwan Fakhroo, Abdul Latif Al-Shamlan, Muhanna Al-Buainain and Abdulrahman Khalid, stated that the horizontal position generates double torque, resulting in greater efficiency and less fuel consumption.
2017-01-17T15:06:00+03:00January 17, 2017|Uncategorized|
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