Application service for transfer from other universities to the University of Bahrain (External Transfer)


  • This service allows students to transfer from another university to the University of Bahrain through the Student Information System (SIS) website, who are subject to the relevant laws and regulations.

Admission Requirements

A student may transfer from other universities to the University of Bahrain if the following conditions are met:

  1. The other university must be recognized by the concerned authorities in the Kingdom.
  2. To submit a newly approved academic record to the Deanship of Admission and Registration, with the required documents, including a certificate of good conduct and behavior from the university from which he is transferring from, and a recommendation from two of his professors at that university.
  3. The secondary school certificate must be qualified for admission to the program the student wishes to transfer to.
  4. His/her studies must be regular at the university he/she is transferring from (total system).
  5. The student must have successfully passed (30) credit hours or its equivalent at the university from which he/she is transferred, and his/her cumulative average should not be less than (2.33) out of (4.0) (C+ or its equivalent in other academic evaluation systems).
  6. The relevant academic department council must approve the transfer request, after reviewing his/her academic record, the scientific content of each course he passed, and specifying the courses that he/she is exempted from studying.
  7. The student must not have been disciplinary dismissed from any university. And if the transfer is to be made to any of the first period programs, it is required in addition to that, that the student has not been suspended from one of the academic programs at any university.
  8. When submitting the transfer request, he/she should not have dropped out from the university from which he/she was transferred for more than (16) weeks. This condition is not required for transfer applicants to second period programs.
  9. The student must take a minimum of 50% of the hours required for graduation at the university.

Required documents:

  1. Transcript from the university from which the student is transferred.
  2. A copy of the high school transcript or its equivalent, along with a graduation certificate, certified and approved by the competent authorities.
  3. The content of the courses to be equivalent at the University of Bahrain, certified and approved by the university from which the student is transferred.
  4. The student shall submit two academic recommendations from previous professors.
  5. The student shall succeed in the tests conducted by the academic department (if any).
  6. Good conduct and behavior certificate from the university from which the student is transferred.
  7. Colored photograph.
  8. A copy of a valid passport or proof of renewal in case of expiry. For non-Bahraini students residing in Bahrain, please attach a copy of a valid residence permit or proof of the renewal procedure.
  9. A valid ID card or proof of renewal in case of expiry. (Non-Bahraini).
  10. An application fee of BD 10 .
  11. A medical fitness examination certificate from one of the accredited centers or hospitals in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

Application Process

Student Information System

Processing Time:

  • 1 Work Day.