Issuing a replacement of university identity cards and card holders


  • The service enables students to request a reprint of their university card.

Application Process

  1. The student must log in to their personal account on the University’s website
  2. Choose choice-sis-icon  from the list of my applications “Submitting lost replacement requests “.
  3. Choose ” replacement University card or Lost Card holder” and save the application. Once saved, the student will able to view the request information.
  4. The Admission and Alumni Affairs Directorate and the Security and Safety Directorate approve the request, after which the student can pay the due fees.

Service Conditions

  • The student must be enrolled in one of the University academic programs.


  • 5 BD for issuing a card replacment and BD2 for the card holder : One payment per request.

Processing Time

  • 1 Working Day.