Reviewing Modern Methods for Developing Measurement Tools in The Kinetic Field “Measurement And Evaluation in Physical Education”, A New Publication by Prof. Dr. Al-Mousawi

Sakhir – University of Bahrain
30 January 2022
Professor of Measurement and Evaluation in the Department of Psychology at the College of Arts at the University of Bahrain (UoB), Prof. Noaman Saleh Al-Mosawi, reviewed the best practices used in measuring and evaluating sports and physical performance in his new publication entitled “Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education”.
The release is a summary of the experience of Prof. Al-Mousawi in teaching educational measurement and evaluation courses, and it focused on the theoretical aspects of measurement and evaluation, supported with the scientific methods adopted in the development of measurement and evaluation tools in the kinetic field.
As Dr. Al-Mousawi taught measurement and evaluation courses for bachelor’s and master’s students from various scientific and literary disciplines, and he spent an entire decade teaching physical education students at the University’s College of Physical Education and Physiotherapy, who found in this course a real addition to their profession and specialization.
The book is 226 pages of medium size, and it was published by Dar Hapi Publications, and came in five chapters, written in a simple and clear style for students and instructors
Moreover, Prof. Al-Mosawi indicated that the book aims to inform specialists, instructors and students of the latest field practices in measurement and evaluation, and how to apply them on the ground.
Furthermore, he said: “Sport is one of the basic elements in the physical, psychological and social preparation of the individual, and it is an effective means in the educational construction of the individual, in an integrated way that enables him to occupy his rightful position in society, and helps him perform his daily tasks effectively,” stressing the importance of “standing on the best practices.” used in measuring and evaluating athletic and physical performance.
In the first chapter of the book, the author dealt with the concept of educational measurement with a historical overview, and in the second chapter he touched on the concept of educational evaluation and its principles, reviewing the concepts of measurement and evaluation in physical education. While in the third chapter, the author reviewed evaluation tools in sports and physical education, and the required features in a good evaluation method, and in the fourth chapter he focused on how to build summative tests in physical education.
As for the fifth chapter, it presented the statistical methods and approaches in analyzing the results of the tests.
It is worth noting that Prof. Al-Mosawi has published several books and contributed to a number of others, in the fields of measurement and evaluation, education, and psychology. Also, he has conducted many scientific studies that have been published in refereed scientific journals.

2022-05-08T11:42:38+03:00January 30, 2022|Uncategorized|
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