Rumors of A

In Response to What
Was Published by A Press Website: UOB Denies

Rumors of A
“Black Market” For Summer Classes Seats

What Was Reported
Is Contrary to Reality and Logic and It’s Offensive to The Reputation of the
University and Its History

 The University of Bahrain (UOB)
definitively denied the allegations of on the website of a local newspaper
about the existence of a “black market” between students for summer
classes seats.

The University confirmed in its
comment on this rumor that the laws and regulations in force since UOB was
established are the only ones that govern all procedures, which are based on
equal opportunities and fairness among all students, and therefore it is
neither logical nor realistic to talk about (selling seats) as if it is in a

Furthermore, the University
statement stated that “What was reported from this press site is
completely contrary to reality and logic, because any cancellation by the
student of his seat for any reason whatsoever will absolutely not transfer this
seat to another student of his choosing, because the process is done according
to a tight electronic system, which gives priority to applicants according to the
academic hours they spent and to how early they apply.”

The University expressed its
great astonishment at how people followed such offensive rumors of a
long-standing national academic institution, based on flimsy information
circulating on some social media sites and not in line with reality or with the
system applied at the University, claiming to “observe a black
market” among students, without checking the validity of this information
that any sound mind would not accept, and without checking with the University itself.

The University concluded its
statement saying that as far as it highly appreciates the role of the press and
the media, it is always ready to provide correct information and respond to the
inquiries of all media outlets and newspapers in accordance with the
requirements of the national duty. Also, it expressed how unfortunate it is for
such an offense to be made towards an ancient national academic institution
from which tens of thousands of students have graduated, and still are, who shall
be responsible of building and developing the nation. Therefore, the University
does not accept that its students, who represent our national elite and on whom
we depend, are described with such inappropriate characterizations.

Sustainable Development Goals

4 Quality education

10 Reduced inequalities


Key Words

Black market, summer classes, equal opportunities and
fairness for all students

2020-06-25T00:00:00+03:00June 25, 2020|Deanship of Admission and Registration|
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