Showcasing Chinese art

news 05 02 2019 2b

news 05 02 2019 2a

The University of Bahrain (UoB) in association with the Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China hosted a Chinese art exhibition at its premises in Sakhir. The inaugural ceremony of the exhibition was attended by many dignitaries including Chinese Ambassador Anwaer, Prof Xu Shi of Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University and UoB President Prof Riyadh Hamza. Speaking to Tribune, Prof Hamza said: “We are delighted to be hosting the exhibition at the University of Bahrain and hearing the experience firsthand from one of the world’s leading professors in contemporary art.

“It is a matter of pride that Prof Xu has chosen to visit the Kingdom of Bahrain and the University of Bahrain on his world tour. “We are overwhelmed to host a colleague from Tsinghua University which is one of the world leading universities, ranked 22 globally by the Times and 17 globally by QS and number one not just in China but also in Asia.

news 05 02 2019 2c“This event not only demonstrates the deep relationship between Bahrain and China, but also the UoBs appreciation for the Chinese culture, which goes from strength to strength through our Confucius Institute. “Last year, we had over 1,500 students studying Mandarin language and our working relationship with Huawei Technologies Bahrain provides our students with real opportunities for employment.”

“The UoB has nine international study centres, which shows the breadth of our international outlook and how we encourage our students to understand different cultures and perspectives. “This outlook is also reflected within the university. The university is currently ranked in the top 100 globally for international staff and we are proud to be a global university.”
2019-02-05T09:51:00+03:00February 5, 2019|Uncategorized|
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