Statistics Students at UoB Get Introduced To the Statistical Aspects of Fish Farming

University of Bahrain (Yasmeen Khalaf)
11 April 2022
Students of Statistics and Operations Research from the Department of Mathematics at the College of Science at the University of Bahrain (UoB) recently paid a field visit to “Dar Aqua & Aquaculture”, on a scientific tour to get a closer look at the aquaculture and agricultural system.
The supervisor of Dar, Eng. Abdulaziz Salmeen, confirmed the ability to control the quality of fish production, starting from the process of reproduction, until it is in the consumer’s hand. Also, he explained in detail the “Aquaponics” system used in the Company, which represents a closed loop between the production of aquatic organisms, including fish, and the production of agriculture in green reserves.
Moreover, he referred to the factors involved in the aquaponic process, which play an important role in controlling water quality, in terms of temperature, pH, and the amount of dissolved oxygen. Indicating the need to achieve a delicate balance between these factors in order to ensure the preservation of fish growth.
Also, Salmeen added that the quality and quantity of food given to fish must be according to certain specifications and under a specific time schedule, pointing out that the fish farming process is a very precise process, and is constantly based on statistics, sampling in the stages of reproduction and growth, and the selection of fish that meet the best quality standards.
It is worth mentioning that “Dar Aqua & Aquaculture” is a Bahraini company that was established in 2014, and is located in Hoorat A’ali.
For her part, the coordinator of the visit, Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Dr. Majida Abdulaziz Salman, stressed the importance of this field visit for the students, as it is related to the objectives and outputs of the statistics course they are currently studying, which is related to the analysis of time series data (Time Series), and she indicated the students’ awareness of the importance of studying the chronology of fish growth stages, and tracking their weight, as it is related to the amount of their food, and a balanced planning of this food, and providing it in the required quantities. Also, she pointed out that after the visit, the students became acquainted with the factors that affect the amount of fish production in the farm, which qualifies them to develop a statistical model to predict the quantities of fish that Dar Aqua may contribute to providing for the local market in the future.

2022-04-18T11:30:51+03:00April 11, 2022|Uncategorized|
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