Stressing The Importance of Promoting Sports Culture and A Healthy Lifestyle UoB Benefits from Bahrain Sports Day in Reenergizing Its Affiliates

Sakhir – University of Bahrain – Mansoor Al-Wanni

2 January 2023

A number of the University of Bahrain (UoB) affiliates participated in the Bahrain Sports Day activities, as members of the academic and administrative bodies enjoyed a set of sports games organized by the Deanship of Student Affairs, in cooperation with the College of Health and Sports Sciences (CHSS), today, Thursday (2 February 2023), at the University’s headquarters in Sakhir.

The President of UoB, Dr. Jawaher bint Shaheen Al-Mudhahka, expressed her pleasure with this occasion, stressing that Bahrain Sports Day represents the message of the wise leadership to all the people and residents of the country, that sport should be part of their daily lifestyle.

During her participation in the walking marathon, Dr. Al-Mudahka stated that: “Exercise is important today, especially in light of the pressures and challenges produced by modern lifestyles,” adding that daily exercise has become necessary so that each individual maintains their physical and mental health, and increases their activity, which will certainly be reflected in the quality of their production in various sectors, citing the phrase “healthy body, healthy mind”.

In addition, the University President praised the Sports Day at the University, noting that the wide participation, remarkable interaction, and positive atmosphere that prevailed in the Sports Day sessions led to achieving the goals of the national event of promoting the concept of sports for all, breaking the work routine, reenergization, and strengthening ties between the National University’s affiliates.

In her turn, the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Fatima Mohammed Al-Maliki, said: “The University of Bahrain is characterized by a green area that allows its members to walk and live a healthy life full of vitality, activity and optimism, because of the positive impact of sports on the physical and psychological health of the individual.”.

The participants walked about three kilometers inside the University, with the participation of the University President and a number of members of the academic and administrative staff. The contestants also participated in a set of accompanying sports, which included: table tennis, darts, medicine ball bowling, and shot put.

2023-02-20T14:51:30+03:00January 2, 2023|Uncategorized|
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