Student Affairs at UOB Celebrates IDPD

Student Affairs at
UOB Celebrates IDPD

Prof. Hamza
confirms: The University is Committed to Supporting the Provision of
Infrastructure and Services that Meet the Needs of People with Disabilities

 The President of the University
of Bahrain (UOB), Prof. Riyad Yousif Hamzah, confirmed UOB’s commitment to
providing all means of support and aid for students with disabilities, in order
to provide infrastructure and services that suit the needs of students of UOB
from this segment, and enable them to benefit from the University’s services
and facilities similar to their peers and fellow students, expressing at the
same time his pride in how outstanding students with disabilities at UOB are.

During the participation of Prof.
Hamza in the celebration of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities
(IDPD), which was organized by UOB on Tuesday evening (8 December 2020), he
stated in his speech that “We at UOB are proud of our dear students with disabilities
and are committed to providing all means of support and assistance to them to
enable them to achieve scientific and academic accomplishment in an appropriate
environment and an atmosphere that motivates them to be creative and excel,
thanks to the unlimited support provided by our wise leadership to our National
University at various levels, on top of which is the support for the disabled
category and the personal attention provided by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa
Al Khalifa, and the Crown Prince and Honorable Prime Minister, His Royal Highness
Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, and the late Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al
Khalifa, may God have mercy on him, and the initiatives of His Highness Sheikh
Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa, First Vice President of the Supreme Council for
Youth and Sports, Chairman of the Olympic Committee Bahraini, in the field of
empowering and supporting people with disabilities, which would develop and grow
the skills and capabilities of people with disabilities, which would reflect on
enhancing their integration and contribute to encouraging them to participate
in the Kingdom’s development process. “

Through the virtual communication
platform Microsoft Teams, Prof. Hamzah pointed out that “UOB’s focus on people
with disabilities comes within the national strategy for persons with
disabilities, which is based on the vision of the Kingdom of Bahrain government
on building a Bahraini society with solidarity, compassion and justice. “

Moreover, the President of UOB,
Prof. Hamzah, indicated that UOB has invested the capabilities and resources to
provide the infrastructure, facilities and services that suit the needs of UOB students
from this segment, and enable them to benefit from the University’s services
and facilities similar to their peers and fellow students in an equal manner
that makes it easier for them to spend their University day and benefit from
all academic programs and cultural, sports, and artistic activities and other
extra-curricular activities that the University provides for students to refine
their personal skills and abilities.

Also, he praised the capabilities
of people with disabilities and said: “The creative abilities and innovations that
people with disabilities have deserve to be given the opportunity and to allow
them to move towards transforming their dreams, aspirations and goals into a
tangible and prominent reality in their lives and societies with persistence,
determination and willpower, and that is by providing them with facilities and
support to overcome the difficulties they face, support their aspirations and
hopes, and facilitate their path, so that they can be effective in all sites
and forums. “

For her part, the Dean of Student
Affairs at UOB, Dr. Fatima Mohammed Al-Malki, congratulated the participants in
IDPD, and thanked the rational leadership for its great interest in people with
disabilities and the support that the Kingdom provides to this important
segment of society and for believing in their role in building the country and
consolidating the bonds of society, and in the great energies and capabilities
of such individuals, which have contributed and continue to contribute to the
development of various sectors.

Also, the Dean of Student Affairs
highlighted Bahraini models who excelled in all fields, including those with
disabilities who have achieved unforgettable accomplishments in various fields.

For their part, students with
disabilities expressed their happiness and appreciation for the efforts made by
UOB and the Deanship of Student Affairs in their continuous assistance and
encouragement, praising the great interest that the University gives to
students with disabilities and fulfilling their requirements continuously. As the
celebration witnessed statements by several students with disabilities and
their parents.

It’s worth mentioning that the celebration
was organized by the Deanship of Student Affairs at UOB, aiming to highlight
the talents of students with disabilities, emphasize the creative and positive
aspects of students with disabilities, and inspire students to be motivated,
persistent and defiant by participating in various programs.

The celebration included a
variety of musical and poetic events performed by students with disabilities, a
short film entitled A Success Story, done by a group of students with
disabilities who graduated from UOB, a drawing contest, and intellectual
competitions, in addition to a song performed by a group of students with

2021-06-06T09:47:58+03:00December 8, 2020|Deanship of Students Affairs|
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