Students of the Department of Architecture and Interior Design at the University of Bahrain Design a Metro Station Project in Sakhir

University of Bahrain – Sakhir
May 22, 2022

Students of the Department of Architecture and Interior Design at the University of Bahrain submitted a design for the metro station project in Sakhir, which links UoB with other regions, during a review of their projects in practical exams conducted by the Department last week.

The Dean of the College of Engineering at the university, Dr. Shaikha Haifa bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, stated, “The students’ designs presented new and practical ideas aimed at finding innovative architectural solutions, in line with the professional standards and advanced construction technology.” She stressed the importance of linking the students’ projects to official bodies in the labour market.

During the past week, there were presentation exams in campus for 722 student projects, of which 422 projects for Bachelor of Architecture students, 242 for Bachelor of Interior Design students, and 58 for Bachelor of Landscape Architecture students.

Dr. Haifa bint Ibrahim expressed her pleasure for holding exams in campus before examination committees, after a two-year interruption due to the exceptional circumstances imposed by the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. She noted that the face-to-face presentation helps students demonstrate their abilities, and express and support their ideas.

For her part, Head of the Department of Architecture and Interior Design, Dr. Huda Mohammad Al-Madhoob, pointed to the importance of creating communication channels between students and official bodies in the labour market, lauding the collaboration between the Department and the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications, represented in introducing a project to design the metro station in Sakhir, which is one of the stations to be implemented within the project of Bahrain Metro network linked to the GCC railway.

Dr. Al-Madhoob expressed her pleasure with the holding practical exams in campus, and the high level of the projects submitted by the students, which reflect the efficiency of the educational system in the practical courses over the past period. She stated, “The majority of designs largely meet the needs of the society, and are consistent with the lessons learned from the Coronavirus crisis, and are in line with the latest developments in the field of architecture and design.”

About 100 male and female students in the sixth architectural design course submitted innovative designs for the station that links the University of Bahrain with other facilities.

The examination expressed their admiration for the designs presented, as they are characterized by creativity and accuracy in the use of architectural solutions that make them more sustainable, taking into account the balance between innovation and cost.

2022-05-25T14:04:40+03:00May 22, 2022|Uncategorized|
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