UOB’s College of Engineering Launches Awards to Raise its Levels of Scientific Research

University of Bahrain – Sakhir (Ali Al-Sabbaq)
June 26, 2022

Dr. Sheikha Haifa bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, Dean of the College of Engineering at the University of Bahrain, confirmed that the launch of scientific research awards at the College of Engineering increases interest in scientific research, which would promote the performance of researchers in the College and directly improve the quality of research both quantitatively and qualitatively, and indirectly improve teaching .

The Dean of the College made this statement during the Scientific Research Forum at the College of Engineering, in which winners of the scientific publishing awards were announced, the awards are supported by the Gulf Researcher Company, which is specialized in conducting research for organizations.

The University’s Vice President for academic programs and Postgraduate Studies, Dr. Mohammad Redha Qader, the University’s Vice President for Community Service and Alumni Affairs, Dr. Mohammad Saleh Al-Ansari, the Dean of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Dr. Athraa Sayed Abbas Al-Mousawi, the managing director of the Gulf Researcher Company, Mr. Mahmood Kamel Alsaleh, and other officials participated in the forum.

Dr. Haifa Bint Ibrahim stated, “Since September 2020, the University published more than 760 scientific papers in refereed scientific journals and publications belonging to regional and international conferences, including more than 120 papers from the College of Engineering, which ranked third at the level of the University followed by the College of Business Administration and the College of Science.”

Dr. Haifa added that she is sure these awards will have a significant impact on spreading the culture of scientific research in the College and increasing research, which is a basis for infrastructure development in all sectors. She stressed the importance of creating an appropriate and encouraging research environment for all faculty members.

In its first edition, the College’s scientific publishing awards included six categories, namely the Publication Award in Scientific Journals with the Highest Impact Factor, the Publication Award for Most Cited Scientific Research, Publication Award for Highest Number of Research Papers, Award for Highest Research Grant, Award of Faculty Member with Highest Indicator, and the Award of Published Student Research.

The Dean of the College extended her thanks to the College’s Research and Publication Committee, the College Development Committee, and to all contributers that prepared and arranged for this Award from the College of Engineering and other bodies.

In his speech, the Managing Director of Gulf Researcher Mahmood Alsaleh mentioned the research activity of university professors not only contributes to achieving the university’s mission in advancing scientific research, but also supports national strategies for the development of various sectors.

Alsaleh stated, “We both share belief in the pivotal role of research in comprehensive development.” He called for concerted efforts in the public and private sector to find scientific and realistic solutions to society’s problems.

Mr. Alsaleh lauded the outstanding contributions of the University of Bahrain in scientific research and the qualified cadres it graduates. He pointed out that about 20% of the employees of Gulf Researcher are graduates from the College of Engineering at University of Bahrain.

Faculty member in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Dr. Shaker Mohammad Hajji, won Publication Award in Scientific Journals with the Highest Impact Factor. Faculty member in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dr. Riyadh Mohammad won the Publication Award for the Most Cited Scientific Research.

Faculty member in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Dr. S. M. Zakir Hussain, faculty member in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dr. Riadh Mohammad, and faculty member in the Civil Engineering Department, Dr. M. D. Shah Alam, won the Publication Award for the Highest Number of Research Papers.

Faculty member in the Civil Engineering Department, Dr. Abrar Mustafa Habib, won the Award for the Highest Research Grant. Faculty member in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Dr. Ghulam Hussein and faculty member in the Chemical Engineering Department, Dr. S. M. Zakir, won the Award of Faculty Member with the Highest Indicator. Students in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Mohammad Rasoul, Turki Rashid Al-Jowder and Hussain Abdul Razzaq Al-Balushi, and the student in the Civil Engineering Department, Sayed Yousef Aref won Award of Published Student Research.

The keynote speaker at the forum, Professor Mike Henke, University of Limerick, Ireland, reviewed the latest scientific technologies and research in which NASA invests, and the most powerful space telescope, being a member of the team who developed it. Professor Henke stressed the importance of launching swarms of spacecrafts to reach ranges far beyond those humans have already reached.

The Head of the Scientific Research Committee at the College, Dr. Shaker Mohammad Hajji, stated, “One of the Scientific Research Awards’ objectives in the College of Engineering is to encourage the College affiliates to research, through appreciating their research efforts and their scientific research published in the top refereed scientific journals and urge researchers, including young people, to publish in the top refereed scientific journals. He pointed out the importance of creating a competitive environment that leads to development of research work and raising the level of research in the prestigious College.

2022-08-16T10:30:57+03:00June 26, 2022|Uncategorized|
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