The Egyptian Head of the Nursing Syndicate Honors the Dean of the College of Health and Sport Sciences at the University of Bahrain in Recognition of her Academic Efforts

Sakhir – University of Bahrain – Mansoor Alwanni


December 28, 2022


The Dean of Health and Sport Sciences at the University of Bahrain, Dr. Leena Mohammed Khonji, received the Shield of Excellence in Leadership in Nursing Education, during her participation in the First International Conference on Nursing and Midwifery, organized by the Bahrain Nursing Society, under the Patronage of His Excellency Lieutenant General Dr. Shaikh Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, Chairman of the Supreme Council of Health, on 22-23 December 2022.


The head of the Nursing Syndicate of the Arab Republic of Egypt and member of the Egyptian Senate, Dr. Kawthar Mahmoud, honored Dr. Khonji, Dean of the College of Health and Sport Sciences at the University of Bahrain and awarded her the Shield of Excellence at the conclusion of the two-day conference, which was attended by about 500 specialists and experts in nursing and midwifery from the Kingdom of Bahrain and some other Arabic countries.


Dr. Khonji was honored in recognition of her efforts in developing teaching and learning in nursing sciences, encouraging the integration of technology, the virtual world and clinical simulation in training nursing students, and striving to obtain international accreditation for nursing programs at the University of Bahrain.


It is worth notingthat Dr. Khonji holds the position of the Director of the WHO Collaborating Center for Nursing Development in the Middle East Region. She also represents the nursing sector in the Bahraini Council for Health Studies and Specialties and represents the Kingdom of Bahrain in the Scientific Society of Arab Nursing Faculties emanating from the Association of Arab Universities.


Dr. Khonji has many research contributions in nursing sciences, teaching and learning, nursing practice, and women’s and children’s health. She has also participated in developing the programs of the Nursing Department at the College of Health and Sport Sciences and works with decision makers to review the standards for the practice of the nursing profession in the Kingdom of Bahrain.



Dr. Khonji obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing and a Higher Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology from the College of Health and Sports Sciences, and a higher degree in women’s and children’s health at Jordan University of Science and Technology. She obtained a PhD in Nursing from the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom.


2023-01-10T10:22:31+03:00December 28, 2022|Uncategorized|
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