The first forum for the development of university education starts today at the University of Bahrain

news 2 04 2017 5The first forum for the development of university education will be launched at 8:30 am on Monday, using the procedural research methodology. It is organised by the Unit of Excellence in Education and Leadership (UTEL) at the University of Bahrain and the British Higher Education Academy (HEA).

The Director of UTEL at the University, Dr. Sana Al-Mansouri said that the Forum, which is sponsored by the University President Professor Riyad Hamza, seeks to encourage the adoption of the methodology of procedural research in order to develop education skills.

Dr. Al-Mansoori added that one of the objectives of the forum – held at Zain e-Learning Centre in Sakhir campus – is the development of academic practices through the exchange of success stories about the positive impact of adopting the methodology of procedural research.

The seminar will discuss several topics, including: defining the methodology for the development of educational skills, the development of teaching and learning in higher education, and successful experiences in using research methodology to develop the skills of education.

Dr. Al-Mansouri pointed out that the keynote speaker at the forum is Prof Stephanie Marshall, the Executive Director of HEA.

This forum for the development of education is the culmination of the University of Bahrain’s experience in adopting the best practices in modern education. The University has been working for the last ten years to introduce the Postgraduate Programme in Academic Practice (PCAP) for academic staff. The program seeks to provide the academic members with the best teaching practices according to modern theories and methods.

“Regarding benefits, the forum will provide an opportunity for speakers and attendees to exchange the best academic practices using the research methodology,” said the Director of UTEL. She expressed the hope that the event will contribute to motivating members of the teaching staff to critique academic practices in a way that reflects positively on the students and helps the quality of their learning.
2017-04-02T09:51:00+03:00April 2, 2017|Uncategorized|
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