The University of Bahrain Celebrates the International Day of Mathematics

University of Bahrain (Jasmine Khalaf)
March 22, 2022

On Monday March 14, 2022, the Department of Mathematics, College of Science, University of Bahrain organized “Mathematics Unites us” event, coinciding with the International Day of Mathematics.

The event started with a speech by the head of the Department of Mathematics, Dr. Abdullah Jaafar Eid. The speech was followed by five lectures by a group of professors from the Department, namely Prof. Sami bin Al-Mukhtar, Assistant Professor Mayada Khalil Shehadeh, Assistant Professor Nasser Metwally Ali, Assistant Professor Magda Abdulaziz Salman, and Assistant Professor Oliver Thomas. The event also included three interactive activities presented by the students Wafaa Sameh, Fatima Mahdi, and Kawthar Yaqoub, from the Department of Mathematics.

The coordinator of the community program “ UoB Maths Circles”, Dr. Shehadeh, noted that the program aims to raise societal awareness of the areas of using mathematics in the daily lives of individuals, and the possibility of achieving societal goals outside the educational framework, which would benefit the community.

Dr. Shehadeh explained that all countries of the world annually celebrate the International Day of Mathematics on March 14, through activities, events and lectures for students and the public, in schools, universities, museums and libraries. She pointed out that this date was selected to celebrate mathematics s because most countries around the world write this date as 3/14 which is indicative of the famous mathematical constant Pi, which can be rounded to 3.14.

It is worth noting that the idea of celebrating the International Day of Mathematics was proposed by the International Mathematical Union, with the support of many international and regional organizations around the world. UNESCO presented the proposal at the 40th session of its General Conference held on November 26, 2019. The first official celebration of the International Day of Mathematics was held on March 14, 2020.

2022-03-30T14:19:44+03:00March 22, 2022|Uncategorized|
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