Two Graduates of the University of Bahrain Win two International Awards in Outer Space Affairs

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Jasmine Khalaf)
September 27, 2022

Two graduates of the University of Bahrain who are working as engineers at the National Space Science Authority made an important achievement as they won two international awards during their participation in a global competition organized by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, in collaboration with Mohammed bin Rashid Space Center Payload Hosting Initiative (PHI), on the sidelines of the 73rd International Astronautics Congress in the French Republic.

The National Space Science Authority won the “3G” award, which is given according to precise conditions to entities that excel in standards of gender equality and youth empowerment, within their geographical scopes and at the global level. The award witnessed the competition of 72 countries and 433 entities, including 169 space companies, 82 specialized organizations, 70 higher education institutions, 46 research centers, and 59 space agencies.

The idea of the competition is to design payloads that both meet a set of scientific and technical requirements and contribute to providing various solutions that serve several areas and achieve sustainable development goals, especially with regard to innovation, quality of education, promotion of space security, justice, international cooperation, gender equality, and youth empowerment.

The Authority was represented in the honoring ceremony by its CEO, Dr. Mohammed Ibrahim Al-Aseeri, aerospace engineer Aisha Al-Haram, and aerospace engineer Yaqoub Al-Qassab, both are graduates of the University of Bahrain.

The President of the University of Bahrain, Dr. Jawaher bint Shaheen Al-Mudhahki, expressed her pleasure with this global achievement, made by Bahraini youth who graduated from the University of Bahrain, and proved that they can compete in a global competition at a very advanced level. Dr. Al-Mudhahki stated, “Competition in these global forums is a source of pride for the Bahraini youth and graduates of our university, not to mention winning international awards and competing with top countries in space sciences.”

“We all felt proud after announcing the names of the two winners, who were once students at the University of Bahrain,” the President of the University added, emphasizing the high level of the outcomes of the University of Bahrain, which enable its graduates to compete at the international level and win first places.

For his part, the CEO of the National Space Science Authority, Dr. Mohammed Al- Aseeri, stated, “These prizes constitute a new achievement to be added to the Authority’s balance of achievements and contribute to placing the name of the Kingdom of Bahrain in an advanced position among the leading countries in the field of space. This achievement is also conclusive evidence of the advanced level of the Authority’s employees and their scientific and practical capabilities in the field of space science competition with the most prestigious space agencies and various institutions and companies operating in the space sector.”

Talking about her role in this achievement, aerospace engineer Aisha Khaled Al-Haram stated, “Protecting the security of space information is one of the most important challenges facing the space sector at the global level nowadays, particularly in light of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the rapid technological developments, and the increase in the number of space data users, making them more vulnerable to breaches that could threaten the security of countries and the projects of major companies.” She added, “This achievement, which is the first of its kind in the region, marks a new Bahraini achievement that made by its young people, both males and females.” She noted that the International Astronautical Federation lauded the Authority’s empowerment of young people, especially that the average age of its employees is 32 years.”

Aerospace engineer Yaqoub Khaled Al-Qassab indicated that the payload that the Authority will develop is based on complex programming for encrypting satellite data of Mohammed bin Rashid Space Center. He Pointed out that this achievement reflects the scientific capabilities of Bahraini youth competing at the international level, despite the novelty and severity of this competition. He pointed out, “The competition was open to all space agencies, research centers, universities, and small and medium sized space companies around the world. I feel proud to be a member of the winning team praise be to Allah. I pay tribute to the encouragement of the management of the National Space Science Authority and the constructive cooperation between all the staff of the Authority for their innovation, research and keeping pace with the scientific progress.

Engineer Al-Qassab added, “The Authority exerted great efforts in global cooperation. It is a source of pride that the first Bahraini Emirati satellite, “Light 1”, is from Bahrain to the world to serve humanity and scientific progress.”

It is worth noting that this competition was launched at the beginning of the current year 2022, and it was open for all governmental and private institutions, research centers and higher education institutions in all 99 member states of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs.

2022-11-28T10:55:42+03:00September 27, 2022|Uncategorized|
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