Two Professors at UoB Contribute to Writing an International Book on Big Data and Public Health 

Two Professors at UoB Contribute to Writing an International Book on Big Data and Public Health 

Two professors at the University of Bahrain (UoB) have co-authored a chapter entitled: “Harnessing Big Data to Strengthen Evidence Based on Accurate Public Health Response”, in an international book called “Big Data in Neuroscience and Psychiatry.”, which was published by Elsevier within the internationally accredited database in June 2021. 

The chapter co-authored by the two professors at the College of Sports Health Sciences at UoB, Dr. Ashokan G and Dr. Mohammed Yousif Abbas, included the causes of infectious diseases, and their re-emergence mostly due to zoonotic diseases, as they appear quicker than before and cause epidemics, and the success of accurate public health response depends on the contributions of health information, big data, genomics to disease prevention, and healthcare improvement. 

The Assistant Professor in the Department of Allied Health Sciences, Dr. Abbas, stated that  “Big data analysis and artificial intelligence based infectious disease surveillance algorithms will help in early detection of infectious diseases and predict the course of the pandemic.”. 

The book included seventeen chapters and discussed the importance and achievements of big data usage in psychiatry and neuroscience. 

This book is expected to help clinicians, researchers, and students apply new methods for collecting big data from different patient groups, in addition to clarifying how to use different algorithms and machine learning methods to analyze big data collections, in order to provide individual treatment for people with mental and neurological diseases, and for the big data revolution to overcome the barriers in the current traditional surveillance systems and contribute to improving the accuracy of the available epidemiological information, while increasing hybrid systems through the use of artificial intelligence, machine learning and the Internet of Things. 

2021-10-20T08:43:24+03:00October 20, 2021|College of Health and Sports Sciences (CHSS)|
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