University of Bahrain- Board of Trustees Meeting June 7th 2016

The Board of trustees chaired by the Minister of Education welcomed new President Prof Riyad Hamzah to the university and praised his early impact since recently starting the new post.

Prof Hamzah presented to the Board of Trustees on recent progress and plans for the next six months, which include the presentation of a transformation plan and a new University structure.
Key decisions made in the meeting include;

  1. Following a review of 21 centers, several have been closed immediately and now only 8 remain. Any outstanding projects or work will be transferred to colleges
  2. All language centers to be consolidated under one center for languages
  3. The physiotherapy department will be transferred to the College of Health sciences
  4. A Unit for teaching excellence and leadership to be established and to become a regional center for higher education teacher training
  5. Cooperation between the university and King Hamad Hospital to focus on development of assistant patient care programmes
  6. The appointment of a new Dean for the college of law
In conclusion, Prof Hamzah said “I would thank the Board of trustees for their support since becoming president, this first meeting was very productive with key decisions made making the university more efficient and focused. In the space of a few months we have made progress and I am confident that our strides will be reflected in upcoming regional university rankings”.
2016-06-26T08:25:00+03:00June 26, 2016|Uncategorized|
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