University of Bahrain Offers Workshops on Safety to its Employees, in Collaboration with “Alba”

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Ali Al-Sabbaq)
October 18, 2022

The University of Bahrain’s Vice president for IT Services, Administrative and Financial Affairs, Dr. Osama Abdullah Al-Jowder, stressed the importance of promoting concepts of prevention and safety on the university campus as well as raising the security personnel’s safety and prevention skills.

Dr. Al-Jowder mentioned that University of Bahrain has recently organized several workshops on security and safety, in collaboration with the Security and Safety Department of Aluminum Bahrain (Alba). About thirty employees attended the workshops, which discussed techniques of firefighting, methods of prevention, the basics of security and health, and risk prevention.

Dr. Al-Jowder praised the lecturers in the Security and Safety Department at Alba for their efforts, and the University of Bahrain affiliates for their attendance and attention during the workshops, which were held recently via the video conferencing. He pointed out that the culture of security and safety has become necessary for all, particularly on university campus.

Dr. Al-Jowder called for adherence to the instructions that reduce fires and issues related to security and safety incidents in general and learning about ways to prevent them.

2022-10-23T13:18:19+03:00October 18, 2022|Uncategorized|
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