University of Bahrain (UOB) Organizes a Forum to Exchange Clinical Experiences in Overcoming Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19

University of Bahrain (UOB) Organizes a Forum to Exchange Clinical Experiences
in Overcoming Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19)
in Cooperation with Prince of Songkla University (PSU) in the Kingdom of Thailand

News05082020 1cA number of doctors discussed “Ways to Overcome the Impact of the Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) Pandemic,” in part II of a forum organized by UOB in cooperation with PSU in the Kingdom of Thailand on Wednesday July 22, 2020. The forum aimed to exchange experiences and challenges that faced the health sector during the Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic at the global and local levels.

Participants, in the presence of more than 200 observers, reviewed the difficulties and challenges facing medical teams while performing their duties in confronting the pandemic. They have also talked about the medical and therapeutic experiences that the medical teams have acquired during this period.

News05082020 1aDuring the forum, three doctors gave speeches. Acting Dean for Hospital Affairs at the Faculty of Medicine, Prince of Songkla University, the Kingdom of Thailand, Dr. Sarunyou Chusri, spoke about the infected cases he treated, how he treated them, and the most important difficulties medical teams faced during the treatment. Assistant Dean for Academic Services, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand, Dr. Wirach Taweepreda, showed a rubber mask he had invented and which was made use of by medical teams in conducting clinical examinations and treatment. Assistant Professor, College of Health and Sport Sciences, University of Bahrain, Dr. Jameela Mukhaimer, talked about the professional and therapeutic experiences doctors have acquired in the Kingdom of Bahrain while confronting the pandemic.

This forum is one of the outcomes of an agreement signed between UOB and PSU, which aims to enforce individual contacts between scholars, students and employees in both universities, strengthen links in teaching, research and cultural activities, provide opportunities for exchange between employees and students, develop and encourage joint research, seminars, conferences and workshops and help each other obtain external funding from external sources, and develop joint study programmes.

News05082020 1bUniversity of Bahrain has previously signed a memorandum of understanding with Prince of Songkla University in the Kingdom of Thailand in April 2017 to enhance joint cooperation and increase the effectiveness of the Confucius Institute, which is concerned with teaching the Chinese language at UOB.

It is noteworthy that PSU is a public university established in 1967 as the first university in Southern Thailand. It encompasses five campuses, and includes 39 colleges and academic institutes, four hospitals, and more than 40 scientific research centers. PSU offers 287 academic programmes with various degrees. More than 40,000 students study in PSU.
2020-08-05T07:57:00+03:00August 5, 2020|Uncategorized|
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