UOB Academics Participate in a Workshop for Preparing the Graduation Brief

UOB Academics
Participate in a Workshop for Preparing the Graduation Brief

05 February 2020

In cooperation with the Academy
of Higher Education in Britain, the Unit for Teaching Excellence and Leadership
(UTEL) at the University of Bahrain (UOB) held the fourth edition of the
“Graduation Brief Preparation” workshop at the E-Learning Center in the
University Sakhir Campus for members of the Continuing Professional Development
Program (CPD), in which a number of academics from the (UOB) participated.

In this respect, Assistant
Professor and Lecturer in the Department of Chemical Engineering Dr. Raed Ebrahim
Al-Jowder stated that “The workshop – in which several academics from
various colleges of the University will participate – will end with the
preparation of a graduation research project, which will be subject to
evaluation by faculty members, based on the level of activities and events in
support of the learning and teaching processes in higher education institutes.
” Pointing out that it is part of the systematic efforts made by the University
in the process of continuous development of the academic staff through UTEL,
and that after the evaluation process, the participant will be awarded an
Associate in Academic Practices certificate from the Academy of Higher
Education in Britain.

It is worth noting that the CPD
program, which is offered by UTEL at UOB, is part of the University’s
initiatives for faculty development since 2006, as well as the implementation
of the University’s strategic plan. Moreover, Al-Jowder pointed out that the
workshop will last for a week and it aims to instruct faculty members on the ways
and methods of preparing the graduation brief, and the basic skills required
for preparing articles of reflective thinking.


Sustainable Development Goals

4 Quality education

17 Partnerships for the goals


Key words

Graduation Brief Preparation
Workshop, Unit for Teaching Excellence and Leadership at the University of
Bahrain, Higher Education Academy in Britain, E-Learning Center at the
University of Bahrain, Chemical Engineering Department, Associate Certificate
in Academic Practices, Continuing Professional Development Program (CPD) 

2020-02-05T00:00:00+03:00February 5, 2020|Uncategorized|
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