UOB and Sign a Joint Memorandum of Understanding

UOB and
“Political Development” Sign a Joint Memorandum of Understanding

The President of the University of Bahrain (UOB), Dr. Riyad
Yousif Hamzah, stressed the importance of training, scientific research and
various communication activities in spreading the culture of legal and
political awareness in society, pointing to the importance of creating an
integrated system for training, scientific research and publication through
establishing cooperation between different national institutions.

In this context, he praised the efforts made by the Bahrain
Institute for Political Development (BIPD) through its various activities,
noting the Institute’s endeavor to expand areas of cooperation between it and
the various governmental institutions and agencies.

This came during the recent signing of a memorandum of
understanding between UOB and BIPD, where the two parties stressed the
importance of building national partnerships that meet the requirements of
sustainable development and meet future changes.

The memorandum was signed by the President of UOB Dr. Riyad Yousif
Hamzah and the BIPD’s Executive Director Eman Janahi.

Moreover, Dr. Hamzah is expressed his confidence that the
agreement between the two parties will expand current areas of cooperation and
strengthen joint activities in a way that contributes to achieving the supreme
goal, which is to deepen awareness of rights and freedoms and their protection,
as one of the Kingdom’s most important strategic priorities.

As the agreement provides for the provision of training
programs, studies and research in the constitutional and legal fields, the
development of programs related to studies on human rights, and support for
scientific research in the field of political systems and constitutional law.

For her part, the Executive Director of BIPD, Eman Janahi,
welcomed this step, stressing that it will enhance cooperation between the
Institute and the University, noting the importance of establishing such
partnerships that enhance the Institute’s goals aimed at training all segments
of society. The Institute will be able to reach one of the important groups in
society, which is young students, as the Institute and the University aspire to
provide training and awareness activities for them.

Furthermore, Janahi added that the memorandum of
understanding came to confirm the Institute’s role and its keenness to spread
the culture of democracy, support and consolidate the concept of its sound
principles, in addition to strengthening its role in supporting scientific
research in the field of political, legal, constitutional and human rights

Under the agreement, the two parties shall exchange relevant
information, experiences, studies, and research, depending on the resources
available to them. Also, the two parties shall cooperate in providing
consultations and developing programs, activities and reports that fall within
their competencies.

In addition, the two parties shall cooperate in preparing, organizing,
and implementing training courses, workshops, and lectures in various common
areas, especially in the field of promoting the culture of citizenship in
Bahraini society, and legally and politically qualifying Bahraini cadres to
enable them to carry out their duties in work and serve the Bahraini community.

According to the agreement, the University will support the Institute
with specialized academic cadres to accomplish the Institute’s activities and events,
and the two parties will cooperate to prepare training programs related to
qualifying students that are expected to graduate from the University for the
labor market.

2021-06-06T11:08:24+03:00July 19, 2020|University of Bahrain|
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