UOB Announces the Results of The Second Semester 2019/2020

UOB Announces the
Results of The Second Semester 2019/2020



The University of Bahrain (UOB)
announced the results of the second semester of the academic year 2019/2020, as
the results of more than 25,200 thousand students were sent by e-mail.

Acting Dean of Admission and
Registration Dr. Mohammed Saleh Al-Ansari stated that the process of sending
the results was successful, and a large number of students were able to view
their results as soon as they were announced, while a small number of students
needed technical assistance in reactivating their official e-mail accounts, to
obtain the results, which can also be viewed through UOB’s application.

Also, he indicated that students
who want their results to be reviewed can apply for that from 17 to 23 June
2020, as the results of the grievance will be announced later this month.

Furthermore, Dr. Al-Ansari
stressed the importance of the student’s communication with the “Student
Service Center”, which started its service in September 2019, as it actively
helps students in their observations and inquiries that are related to a large
percentage of them on admission and registration processes, announcing results
and receiving other services from the Deanship through various ways of
communication, and answer them in record time.


Sustainable Development Goals

4 Quality education

Key Words

University of Bahrain, second semester results, Student
Service Center, admission and registration processes

2020-06-17T00:00:00+03:00June 17, 2020|Deanship of Admission and Registration|
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