UoB Explores the Experience of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Remote Education 

UoB Explores the Experience of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Remote Education 


Professor of Technology at MARA University of Technology in the Republic of Malaysia, Dr. Noor Hashim Tao, stated that “Students’ achievements will increase after employing artificial intelligence in education during the Corona pandemic (Covid_19). 

In a lecture entitled “Artificial Intelligence in Education”, at the College of Information Technology at the University of Bahrain (UoB), Dr. Tao explained that the artificial intelligence technology embedded in the search engine provided students with the ability to learn via the Internet at any time and anywhere and facilitated finding immediate answers to their questions, as well as solutions to their problems while doing their homework. 

Furthermore, Dr. Tao said that “Artificial intelligence has made attempts to reach educational corners around the world without affecting the quality of production.” Tao believes that artificial intelligence technology is useful for automating various tasks, including administrative work, assessment of exams, and grading students, and this technology helps secure student assessment online, which helps students focus during lectures. 

Moreover, the lecture reviewed the negative effects of artificial intelligence technology in the education industry and considered that the most important negative aspects are the possibility that computers and machines replacing teachers in the future, which leads to having fewer jobs available. 

Also, Dr. Tao reviewed the use of artificial intelligence technology in virtual classrooms designed to teach students according to their abilities and interests. 

2021-10-20T13:43:58+03:00October 20, 2021|Uncategorized|
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