UoB Hosts Regional Water and Energy Conference Next Week

Under the Patronage of HE Minister of Electricity and Water Affairs:

UoB Hosts Regional Water and Energy Conference Next Week

News 17 04 2018 3aUnder the patronage of HE Dr. Abdulhussain bin Ali Mirza, Minister of Electricity and Water Affairs, the University of Bahrain is hosting the Water and Energy Sustainable Innovation and Industry (WESII) Conference and Exhibition, on 22-23 April. The University of Bahrain is organizing and hosting the Conference in collaboration with the Sustainable Energy Unit, the British Council in Bahrain, and Loughborough University, The University of Oxford and Aston University in the United Kingdom.

In his keynote speech at the opening ceremony, Dr. Mirza will address steps taken by the government in Bahrain to achieve comprehensive sustainable development on issues related to water, such as the GCC Unified Water Strategy (UWS) and renewable energy projects.

Prof. Riyad Y. Hamzah, President of the University of Bahrain, said he was proud that the Conference is organized and hosted by the University of Bahrain, under the patronage of HE the Minister of Electricity and Water Affairs. Prof. Hamzah went on to say that “Issues of water, food and energy are the world’s most important concerns. Major research recourses are recruited for these issues. The University of Bahrain has signed agreements and memorandums of understanding with major British universities, such as The University of Oxford, Loughborough University and Aston University, to conduct joint research projects concerned with finding science-based solutions to these vital issues,”

“The fact that the University of Bahrain has proven its ability to find innovative and integrated solutions to many issues in more than one sector in the Kingdom of Bahrain, encourages us even more to build the research capacity of faculty members through these joint research projects. We shall implement all memorandums of understanding we have signed with leading universities and other parties, to achieve the best results,” Prof. Hamzah added.DrRiadHamza1

The conference aims to support the Kingdom of Bahrain’s ambitious plans to move towards energy diversification by using renewable energy, conserving water and energy natural resources, and identifying the main challenges facing the water and energy industries in Bahrain and the region.

More than 200 participants from the GCC countries, Britain, Australia and Egypt are scheduled to attend this conference. Research papers from various countries and universities will be presented. During the Conference, a set of findings, based on joint research projects between the University of Bahrain and UK universities which participated in organizing the conference will also be highlighted.

In addition, various government organizations concerned with energy matters will participate in an exhibition organised during the Conference, including the Electricity and Water Authority (EWA), the Ministry of industry, Commerce and Tourism; and the Sustainable Energy Unit. Several private sector representatives working in the field of renewable energy and water treatment in Bahrain will also participate in this exhibition.

In collaboration with the Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology (CREST) in the UK, the University of Bahrain is working on creating renewable energy laboratories at the University, which will contribute to the development of renewable energy in Bahrain.

2018-04-18T08:05:00+03:00April 18, 2018|Uncategorized|
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