UoB Offers a Master’s Degree in Real Estate Development and Property Management

UoB Offers a Master’s Degree in Real Estate Development and Property Management

The University of Bahrain (UoB) announced the introduction of a master’s program in real estate development and property management, and the acceptance of the first batch of students in September 2021. The program will be offered for the first time in the Kingdom, in cooperation with the Departments of Economics and Finance at the College of Business Administration, and the Department of Architecture and Interior Design at the College of Engineering.

The program aims to pioneer in education and spreading knowledge in the field of real estate development, as well as emphasize the national identity of the local environment and establish frameworks for positive interaction with the community by contributing to the development of the profession in an advanced academic environment that meets the requirements of comprehensive quality. Additionally, the program intends to provide the codified scientific material for real estate studies by providing the students with their various scientific needs in the areas of planning and development of land and their laws, marketing and valuation sciences, and the management of real estate properties.

While the Head of the Department of Architecture and Interior Design, Dr. Sheikha Haifa bint Ebrahim Al Khalifa, stated that the program attracts architects and workers in the field of real estate and investment who wish to develop their expertise or those who wish to enter the world of real estate and investment industries, as the program features integrating urban knowledge in its academic plan to complement the sciences of economics, investment and finance.

Moreover, the Head of the Department of Economics and Finance, Dr. Hana Saeed Bawazir, expressed her pleasure with this academic cooperation between the two departments, considering it the first of its kind at the level of UoB, and she stressed the importance of offering such programs in graduate studies to serve higher education in the Kingdom, and to keep pace with the educational system’s strategy to achieve sustainability in development. Also, the program seeks to cooperate with government agencies specialized in real estate development to meet the aspirations of the labor market.

This program is to prepare highly qualified graduates in the field of real estate development, which has increased in demand in recent decades to keep pace with the comprehensive urban renaissance in the Kingdom. As the introduction of the program contributes to the preparation of specialists in the field of real estate development, valuation and real estate analytical study of the current and future real estate market in the Kingdom. Career options for graduates include: jobs in banking and government tools, real estate finance, real estate management and development, and real estate investment.

2021-10-20T08:44:15+03:00October 20, 2021|University of Bahrain|
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