UoB Reviews its Experience in Qualification Placement in a Workshop in Saudi Arabia

news 5 04 2017 2The Kingdom of Bahrain, represented by the University of Bahrain, has reviewed its pioneering experience in the placement of qualifications on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) in the Kingdom of Bahrain during participation in a workshop titled “Learning Point Mechanism in the Higher Education Sector” which was organised by the Education Evaluation Commission (EEC) of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The workshop was also attended by representatives from Saudi universities.

The workshop dealt with UoB’s experience in qualifications placement, in particular in defining the NQF hours. Dr Muhamed Baqer, Director of the Performance and Strategy Unit at UoB, gave a presentation on the University’s experience and the processes related to qualifications placement.


The workshop aimed at acquainting the universities with the mechanisms and methodologies of identifying the NQF hours and learning about the experience of different countries in this field. Dr Baqer held a talk about his experience in establishing NQF in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and the necessity to benefit from the GCC experiences in developing the learning and training sector, in order to achieve the common GCC objectives, the most important of which include developing human resources, and promoting post-oil economy focusing on the availability of developed expertise, skills and services that are capable of global competitiveness.


The University of Bahrain is one of the first universities in the Kingdom to place its qualifications on the NQF, for this is one of the strategic objectives of the University’s Development Plan (2016-2021). The NQF is considered one way to bridge the gap between the labor market and learning outcomes. In addition, the University’s vision and mission through this plan emphasise the University’s persistence to occupy a regional and fundamental role in higher education and the economics of knowledge, which is in line with the economic vision of Bahrain 2030.
2017-04-05T08:39:00+03:00April 5, 2017|Uncategorized|
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