UOB Reviews the Success of The Experience of People with Disabilities in Higher Education

UOB Reviews the
Success of The Experience of People with Disabilities in Higher Education

The University of Bahrain (UOB)
reviewed two experiences of students with disabilities who successfully
graduated from the University, during the celebration organized by King
Abdulaziz University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, on Saturday (5 December
2020), to celebrate the International Day of People with Disabilities (IDPD) with
the participation of several universities in the GCC.

The Deanship of Student Affairs
at UOB participated with an event entitled “Success for Students with
Disabilities”, during which a graduate of the College of Arts at UOB and
currently an English language teacher in the schools of the Ministry of
Education in the Kingdom of Bahrain, Hana Al-Jamri, presented her success
story, and how she overcame her sight impairment and was able to reach her
goals and achieve her ambitions. Also, she participated in a singing
performance done by students of the Music Club with the participation of
students with disabilities.

The celebration was held on the
virtual communication platform “Zoom”, during which the Dean of
Student Affairs at UOB, Dr. Fatima Mohammed Al-Malki, explained the idea of
??designing the logo for the Committee for Follow-up of the Affairs of Students
with Special Needs in universities and higher education institutions in the
GCC, and she stated that “The slogan was inspired by the wheelchair to
denote disability in general, and there is a person at the top of this chair to
signify honor and pride, in addition to the logo of the GCC countries
surrounded by the flags of the Gulf countries.”

Furthermore, the Dean of Student
Affairs at the University of Bahrain, Dr. Al-Maliki, launched the committee’s
social networking sites.

Sustainable Development Goals:

3 Good health and well-being

4 Quality education.

10 Reduced inequalities

16 Partnerships for the goals.

Key Words:

International Day of People with Disability, Success
for Students with Disabilities, Deanship of Student Affairs, Universities
of the GCC, University of Bahrain.

2020-12-06T00:00:00+03:00December 6, 2020|Deanship of Students Affairs|
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